Personal information
I am full professor in agricultural extension and education specialized in behavioral modelling at Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University (SRB University) since 2008. I can categorize my most significant research contributions as follows: behavioral intention modelling; climate change (adaptation and resilience); entrepreneurship; gender analysis; ICT based training modelling for different target population.
I obtained my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree from Tehran University, Iran in 2002 and 2004, and my Ph.D. from SRB University in 2008 all in agricultural extension and education.
I have more than 15 years of teaching experience as a faculty member at SRB University since 2007 till now. During my employment at SRB University, I taught several undergraduate and graduate courses. I can categorize the courses I have taught into 4 main categories. 1) Designing Agricultural Extension and Educational Planning focus on rural communities and gender analysis. 2) Entrepreneurship focus on sustainable agriculture; Social Entrepreneurship; Agricultural Innovation System. 3) Advanced statistics, data processing and analysis using SPSS, Amos 4) Advanced Research Methodology including quantitative and qualitative research using maxqda and Nvivo software’s.
I have supervised more than 50 M.Sc. and 10 Ph.D. students. Along with my students and colleagues, I have published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed journals and published 7 academic books in Farsi, mostly concentrate on social statistics.
During my academic life, I hold several academic and executive positions such as Head of Department of Economics, Agricultural Education & Extension, 2020-present, Member of specialized commission in agricultural curriculum group, 2013-2015; Executive manager of International journal of agricultural science and research journal, 2010-2013 and Member of the editorial board of Cooperation and Agriculture Journal 2020-present.
I recently started learning python and r programming language and I think it is very useful in our research.