Personal information
Dr. Haibin Zhu is a Full Professor and the Coordinator of the Computer Science Program, the Founding Director of the Collaborative Systems Laboratory, a member of the University Budget Plan committee, Arts and Science Executive Committee, Nipissing University, Canada. He is also an affiliate professor of Concordia Univ. and an adjunct professor of Laurentian Univ., Canada. He received a BSc degree in computer engineering from the Institute of Engineering and Technology, China (1983), and MSc (1988) and PhD (1997) degrees in computer science from the National Univ. of Defense Tech. (NUDT), China. He was the chair of the Department of Computer Science and Mathematics, Nipissing University, Canada (2019-2021), a visiting professor and a special lecturer in the College of Computing Sciences, New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA (1999-2002) and a lecturer, an associate professor and a full professor at NUDT (1988-2000). He has accomplished (published or in press) over 230 research works including 30+ IEEE Transactions articles, six books, five book chapters, four journal issues, and four conference proceedings. He is a fellow of I2CICC (International Institute of Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing), a senior member of ACM, a senior member of IEEE, a full member of Sigma Xi, and a life member of CAST-USA (Chinese Association of Science and Technology, USA).
He is serving as a member-at-large of the Board of Governors and a co-chair of the technical committee of Distributed Intelligent Systems of IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) Society (SMCS), Editor-in-Chief of IEEE SMC Magazine, Associate Editor (AE) of IEEE Transactions on SMC: Systems, IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, Frontiers of Computer Science, and IEEE Canada Review. He was Associate Vice President (AVP), Systems Science and Engineering (SSE) (2021), IEEE SMCS, a Program (Co-)Chair for many international conferences, and a PC member for 130+ academic conferences.
He is the founding researcher of Role-Based Collaboration and Adaptive Collaboration and the creator of the E-CARGO model. His research monograph E-CARGO and Role-Based Collaboration can be found The accompanying codes can be downloaded from GitHub: He has offered 10+ keynote and plenary speeches for international conferences and 70+ invited talks internationally. His research has been being sponsored by NSERC, IBM, DNDC, DRDC, and OPIC.
He is the recipient of the best paper award in international collaboration from the 25th Int’l conf. on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work in Design, Hangzhou, China, 2022, the meritorious service award from IEEE SMC Society (2018), the chancellor’s award for excellence in research (2011) and two research achievement awards from Nipissing University (2006, 2012), the IBM Eclipse Innovation Grant Awards (2004, 2005), the Best Paper Award from the 11th ISPE Int’l Conf. on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE/CE2004), the Educator’s Fellowship of OOPSLA’03, a 2nd class National Award for Education Achievement (1997), and three 1st Class Ministerial Research Achievement Awards from China (1997, 1994, and 1991).
His research interests include Collaboration Theory and Applications, Human-Machine Systems, Computational Social Systems, Collective Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems, Software Engineering, and Distributed Intelligent Systems.
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (2)
Professional activities (67)
Funding (19)
EGP2 485195 - 15
EGP 449357 - 13
RGPIN262075-2012, RGPIN262075-2013
EGP 437912 - 12
RGPIN 262075-2006