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Armando Savignano is ordinary professor of moral philosophy. It deals with moral philosophy and bioethics in particular with special reference to the epistemological, the status of this discipline and some trends such as the virtues of bioethics, medical anthropology, the communication between doctor and patient-informed consent.
His research also covers the Spanish and Ibero-American thought and modern contemporary, as the publication of the first volume:Panorama della filosofia spagnola del Novecento,Marietti,Milano 2005; translated into Spanish, Panorama de la filosofia española del siglo XX,Comares,Granada 2008.
Has turned its attention to figures and Latin American thinkers, such Dussel, Ellacuría, Zea. He has also done work as a translator and editor of the major philosophical works of Ortega, Zubiri, Unamuno, Zambrano,Lain Entralgo, Dussel, Ellacuria.
He is director of the series Etica pratica , ed. Guida, Napoli; is with Director:of the series the Hipanic philosophy, ed. Mimesis, Milano;and of the Journal of Hispanic philosophy “Rocinante”.
He is in the Consejo asesor of te review “Antigona” (Málaga).


Employment (1)

Università degli Studi di Trieste: Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, IT

professore ordinario (dipartimento di studi umanistici)
Source: Self-asserted source