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Education and qualifications (2)

Columbia University: New York, NY, US

2009 to present | Ph. D. (Applied Physics Applied Mathematics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Max Roberts

Worcester Polytechnic Institute: Worcester, MA, US

2005 to 2009 | BS (Physics)
Source: Self-asserted source
Thomas Max Roberts

Works (10)

Spatial Coherence Constraints on Passive Radar Sounding With Radio-Astronomical Sources

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Sean T. Peters; Karissa Nessly; T. Maximillian Roberts; Dustin M. Schroeder; Andrew Romero-Wolf
Source: check_circle

Conditioning Jovian Burst Signals for Passive Sounding Applications

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: T. Maximillian Roberts; Andrew Romero-Wolf; Lorenzo Bruzzone; Leonardo Carrer; Sean Peters; Dustin M. Schroeder
Source: check_circle

Detection and Localization of Terrestrial L-Band RFI With GNSS Receivers

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: T. Maximillian Roberts; Thomas K. Meehan; Jeffrey Y. Tien; Lawrence E. Young
Source: check_circle

A Deep-Learning Approach to Soil Moisture Estimation with GNSS-R

Remote Sensing
2022-07-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Thomas Maximillian Roberts; Ian Colwell; Clara Chew; Stephen Lowe; Rashmi Shah
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Overview of the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling Sounding Rocket 2 (RENU2)

Geophysical Research Letters
2020-11-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Marc R. Lessard; Bruce Fritz; Brent Sadler; Ian Cohen; David Kenward; Niharika Godbole; James H. Clemmons; James H. Hecht; Kristina A. Lynch; Meghan Harrington et al.
Source: check_circle

Auroral ionospheric plasma flow extraction using subsonic retarding potential analyzers

Review of Scientific Instruments
2020-09-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Michael Fraunberger; K. A. Lynch; Robert Clayton; Thomas Max Roberts; David Hysell; Marc Lessard; Ashton Reimer; Roger Varney
Source: check_circle

A small spacecraft for multipoint measurement of ionospheric plasma

Review of Scientific Instruments
2017-07 | Journal article
Contributors: T. M. Roberts; K. A. Lynch; R. E. Clayton; J. Weiss; D. L. Hampton
Source: check_circle

Turbulent fluctuations during pellet injection into a dipole confined plasma torus

Physics of Plasmas
2017-01 | Journal article
Contributors: D. T. Garnier; M. E. Mauel; T. M. Roberts; J. Kesner; P. P. Woskov
Source: check_circle

Imaging free-falling particles for multipoint measurement of plasma fluctuations

Review of Scientific Instruments
2015-08-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T. M. Roberts; M. E. Mauel; M. C. Abler; B. K. Makansi
Source: check_circle

Local regulation of interchange turbulence in a dipole-confined plasma torus using current-collection feedback

Physics of Plasmas
2015-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: T. M. Roberts; M. E. Mauel; M. W. Worstell
Source: check_circle