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Master in Electrical Engineering from the University of São Paulo (USP) in the field of Dynamic Systems and graduated in Electrical Engineering from the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV) with a monograph in the area of non-linear Control, covering the theme: Comparative analysis of drivers of sliding mode and related fuzzy drivers in the CC-CC buck converter. Still at that university, he was a Differential and Integral Calculus Monitor for two consecutive semesters and a Scientific Initiation Scholarship (CI) in the area of Modeling and Dynamic Control of a robotic leg with three degrees of freedom. He was a professor at the startup "Me Passa Aí", producing online content and face-to-face classes in the disciplines of Physics II, Differential and Integral Calculus II and Signals and Systems. Served as manager and director of People Management at "diElétrica - Soluções em Eletroeletrônica", Junior Electrical Engineering Company at UFV