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Wei Gao is currently an Assistant Professor in the School of Computing and Information Systems at Singapore Management University. Previously, he was a Senior Lecturer of Information Systems at Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand (2017-2020), a Research Scientist in Qatar Computing Research Institut (2011-2017), and a Research Assistant Professor in the Chinese University of Hong Kong (2010-2011). His research interests intersects natural language processing, information retrieval, social computing, and artificial intelligence. He published over 80 papers and articles in the major international conferences and journals including ACL, EMNLP, SIGIR, CIKM, WSDM, IJCAI, ACM TOIS, ACM TIST, IEEE TKDE, etc. He served in the program committees as area chairs and reviewers for a good number of international conferences and reviewed for numerous top journals in the relevant research areas. He was the workshop co-chair of BigComp 2016 and the tutorial co-chair of IJCNLP 2011. He received his PhD of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2010.