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Works (2)

NVM-Flip: Non-Volatile-Memory BitFlips on the System Level

2024-06-21 | Conference paper
Contributors: Felix Staudigl; Jan Philipp Thoma; Christian Niesler; Karl Sturm; Rebecca Pelke; Dominik Germek; Jan Moritz Joseph; Tim Güneysu; Lucas Davi; Rainer Leupers
Source: check_circle

Accelerating Deep Learning Inference in Constrained Embedded Devices Using Hardware Loops and a Dot Product Unit

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Jure Vreča; Karl J. X. Sturm; Ernest Gungl; Farhad Merchant; Paolo Bientinesi; Rainer Leupers; Zmago Brezočnik
Source: check_circle