Personal information
Education- Dr. Correale gained his Medical Degree at the “Federico II” University Medical School in Naples on July 25th, 1988 with the highest score. At the same University, he obtained his PhD (doctorate) in Experimental Oncology (October 1994) and his Clinical Oncology Specialty Diplomas (October 1996) with the highest score.
He passed the final test of the "Management Training Course for Healthcare Managers" University of Calabria Department of Business and Legal Sciences on March 2019
He attended at the " First Calabria Region Training Course on the development of clinical networks" by the : Commercial University “Luigi Bocconi” completed on feb, 18th, 2021
He passed the final test of the "Advanced Training Course for the Management of Healthcare Companies" University of Calabria Department of Business and Legal Sciences on July, 25th,2022.
He gained his II Level Master in "Health Management and Law" at the University of Calabria, Department of Business and Legal Sciences on March 7th 2023.
Career - On August 1993, he became a guest researcher at the laboratory of Immunology, Biochemistry and Immunopharmacology, National Institute of Allergy and Immune Disease, National Institute of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD, USA” under the supervision of Dr. Michail Sitkowsky. Subsequently, on August 1994, he started his Fogarty Fellowship at the “Laboratory of Tumour Immunology and Biology, Experimental Oncology Section, National Cancer Institute (NCI), NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA”, directed by Dr. Jeffrey Schlom under the supervision of Dr. K Y Tsang.
On March 1998, Dr. Correale was hired as a Medical Staff Member of the Medical Oncology Division at the Siena University School of Medicine where, since September 1st, 2004, he received the Professional role of Translational Immune-Oncology Specialist and Contract Professor in Oncology of either Medical School and Medical Oncology Specialty Program.
On August 2012, he became Staff Member of the Radiotherapy Unit, Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, at the Siena University School of Medicine maintaining his responsibility concerning the Translational Immune-Oncology role and Contract Professor in Oncology.
On March 27th .2017 he became the new Director of the Medical Oncology Unit at the "Melacrino-Bianchi-Morelli" Metropolitan Hospital in Reggio Calabria.
Scientific and clinical interest- Dr Correale is a clinician with laboratory expertise in the field of cancer immunology, translational oncology and clinical research on colon and lung cancer medical treatment.
He is the principal investigator and group leader involved in several preclinical and clinical projects.
He is co-author of six patents regarding peptide based cancer vaccines , immune-enhancers and medical technologies; co-author more than 160 scientific publications some of which with high impact factor, more than 250 congress presentations and a number of lectures in the field of tumour immunology , translational oncology, and biomarkers.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (6)
Funding (13)