Personal information

Catchment based forestry, Gap analysis/Bristanalys


Employment (2)

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU): Skinnskatteberg, Västmanland, SE

2017-01-01 to present | Researcher and Teacher in Aquatic Landscape Ecology (School for Forest Management)
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Department of Aquatic Resources/Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU): Örebro, SE

2016-02-01 to 2016-12-31 | Research Assistant (Department of Aquatic Resources/ Freshwater labratory in Örebro)
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Works (8)

Barriers and and bridges for ssustainable Forest Management: the role of landscape history in Swedish Bergslagen.

Europe’s changing woods and forests. From wildwood to managed landscapes.
2015 | Edited book
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Maintaining cultural and natural biodiversity in the Carpathian Mountain ecoregion: need for an integrated landscape approach.

Integrating nature and society towards sustainability
2013 | Edited book
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Carpathian streams as a reference for defining ecological integrity and the EU Water Framework Directive.

Europe’s ecological backbone: recognizing the true value of our mountains European Environmental Agency.
2010 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Mountain Rivers in northern Sweden as a natural resource - the need for an integrated landscape approach.

Europe’s ecological backbone: recognising the true value of our mountains European Environmental Agency.
2010 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Carpathian catchments as laboratories for knowledge production to support implementation of the EU Water Framework Directive.

Forum Carpaticum Integrating Nature and Society towards Sustainability.
2010-09-15 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Locals’ and tourists’ perceptions of forest landscape values: need for integrated landscape approach.

Conference proceedings in the 5th International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitors Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas.
2010-05-03 | Conference abstract
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Sustainable Forest Management: from policy to practice by communication, education and public awareness using landscapes as laboratories in Fennoscandia and NW Russia.

TemaNord 53:179-198. Nordic Council of Ministers.
2009 | Report
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom

Seven steps towards knowledge production and learning for sustainable forest landscape management and governance.

Tema Nord 53:123-136. Nordic Council of Ministers.
Source: Self-asserted source
Johan Törnblom