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Associate Professor in computer science, at Grenoble Alpes University, France


Employment (1)

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2019-09-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Grenoble INP IAE and Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble)
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Education and qualifications (1)

Université Grenoble Alpes: Saint-Martin-d'Heres, Rhône-Alpes, FR

2015-09-01 to 2019-11-27 | PhD (Computer Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Works (9)

Detection and Semantic Description of Changes in Earth Observation Time Series Data

2025 | Book chapter
Contributors: Daniela F. Milon-Flores; Camille Bernard; Jérôme Gensel; Gregory Giuliani
Source: check_circle

Theseus: A framework for managing knowledge graphs about geographical divisions and their evolution

Transactions in GIS
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Camille Bernard; Marlène Villanova‐Oliver; Jérôme Gensel
Source: check_circle

Semantic Graphs to Reflect the Evolution of Geographic Divisions

Handbook of Big Geospatial Data
2021-12 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Immersion de divisions territoriales et description de leur évolution dans le Web sémantique

Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissance (IC 2020)
2020-06 | Conference paper

Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Immersing evolving geographic divisions in the semantic Web

2019-11 | Dissertation or Thesis

Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

An Ontology-based Algorithm for Managing the Evolution of Multi-level Territorial Partitions

Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems
2018 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 978-1-4503-5889-7
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Modeling Changes in Territorial Partitions Over Time: Ontologies TSN and TSN-change

Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
2018 | Conference paper
Part of ISBN: 978-1-4503-5191-1
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Recueil, traçabilité et restitution des données territoriales du programme ESPON

2017-04 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Spatio-Temporal evolutive Data Infrastructure: a Spatial Data Infrastructure for managing data flows of Territorial Statistical Information

International Journal of Digital Earth
2017-03 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Camille Bernard

Peer review (2 reviews for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Data & knowledge engineering. (2)