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Works (3)

Use of Sensitivity Analyses to Assess Uncontrolled Confounding from Unmeasured Variables in Observational, Active Comparator Pharmacoepidemiologic Studies: A Systematic Review

2024-07-31 | Other
Contributors: Chase Latour; Megan Delgado; I-Hsuan Su; Catherine Wiener; Clement Acheampong; Charles Poole; Jessie K. Edwards; Kenneth Quinto; Til Stürmer; Jennifer Lund et al.
Source: check_circle

Categorization of COVID‐19 severity to determine mortality risk

Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety
2022-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Elizabeth M. Garry; Andrew R. Weckstein; Kenneth Quinto; Marie C. Bradley; Tamar Lasky; Aloka Chakravarty; Sandy Leonard; Sarah E. Vititoe; Imaani J. Easthausen; Jeremy A. Rassen et al.
Source: check_circle

Real-World Evidence Prediction of a Phase IV Oncology Trial: Comparative Degarelix vs Leuprolide Safety

JNCI Cancer Spectrum
2022-07-01 | Journal article
Contributors: David Merola; Sebastian Schneeweiss; Sushama K Sreedhara; Luke E Zabotka; Kenneth Quinto; John Concato; Shirley V Wang
Source: check_circle