Personal information
Name: Dunya
Surname: Isaeva
Father's name: Ali
Date of birth: 25.03.1987
Mobile phone: +994 55 257 62 36
Faculty: Agronomy
Department: General agriculture, genetics and plant breeding
In 2009 she graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy and Technology of ADAU, specialty in Agrochemistry and Soil Science.
In 2011 she graduated from ADAU with a master's degree in Agronomy with honors diploma
In 2018, she defended her dissertation on " Technology of effective growing of winter barley in Ganja-Kazakh zone"
In 2020, she received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agracultural Sciences.
Since 2022, she is a assistant professor at the department of General agriculture, genetics and plant breeding.
Since 2020, she is a senior lecturer at the department of General agriculture, genetics and plant breeding.
Since 2018, she is the deputy dean of the faculty of Agronomy.
From 2013 to 2020 she worked as an assistant at the department of General agriculture, genetics and plant breeding
In 2014-2017 she worked as an academic advisor (tyutor) at the faculty of Agronomy.
At the bachelor's level, she teaches lectures and laboratory classes on "General farming", "Technology of crop production", "Fundamentals of agronomy",
At the master's level she teaches a seminar classes on "Biological farming".
She is the author of 34 scientific works, including 19 articles (5 abroad), 13 programs and 1 methodical recommendation, 1 textbook.
Study of the impact of the integreated farming methods on the quality of organic sunflower in the soil climatic condition of Ganja-Dashkesan region
1.XVII Republican Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Researchers. Baku 2013.
2.Innovative development of agrarian science and education: world experience and modern priorities. International scientific-practical conference. Ganja 2015.
3.Tutor( academic advisor) training for higher education institutions. Ganja State University 2015.
4.Republican Scientific-Practical Conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of academician M.I. Jafarov on «ways to increase soil fertility in Azerbaijan». Ganja 2016. 5. 8th International Scientific-Practical Conference on International Cooperation in the Development of Agrarian Science, Food Security and Environmental Protection Ganja 2016.
6. International Scientific-Practical, Mobile Seminar on Improvement of Autumn Grain Crops organized by the Agricultural Research Institute and IСCARDA and CYMMYT.
Baku 2017.
7. Conference of Young Scientists and Students. Innovations in Biology and Agriculture to Solve Global Challenges. Dedicated to the 90th Anniversary of Academician Jalal A.Aliyev. Conference Program & Abstract Book. October 31, 2018. Baku, Azerbaijan.
8. Republican scientific conference on new directions of development of agrarian farms and protection of environment. West Caspian University. Baku 2021
34 scientific works, including 19 articles (5 abroad), 13 programs and 1 methodical recommendation, 1 text book.
1.The influence of fertilizers on the yield of winter barley.Journal of the Interstate Council for Agrarian Science and Information of the CIS countries, Moscow 2017. № 2.
2.Environmental protection in the agrarian zone of Azerbaijan. MULTIDISCIPLINARY SCIENTIFIC EDITION. INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY JOURNAL Web of Scholar 9(18), Vol:1, December 2017.12.
3.Effect of of fertilizers on deliverance of feeding elements together with rain and strow products of winter barley block sowing. Scientific Light (Wroclaw, Poland). Vol. 1, №13 (2017), ISSN 0548-7110.
4.Influence of sowing methods and fertilizer norms on growth and development of the autumn barley plant. BLACK SEA. © THE BALTIC SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS, SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL OF ACADEMIC RESEARCH ISSN: 1987-6521; E-ISSN:2346- 7541, DOI prefix: 10.23747 JUNE – SEPTEMBER 2018 VOLUME 41 ISSUE 03. P. 31-34.
5.Influence of norm of crops and fertilizers on change of nutrient regime of mixed crops (sorghum and peas) on stalks. Journal of Agrarian Science. Moscow 2021.№1 p.136-140
6.The role of cover crops in maintaining soil fertility. Materials of the Republican scientific conference on new directions of development of agrarian farms and protection of the environment. West Caspian University. Baku 2021
7.Amelioration agriculture - Textbook - Approved as a textbook in accordance with the order No. 426 of the Scientific Council of ADAU dated 16.08.2021 and issued a seal for publication. Baku-2021, 316 pages.
8.Main Directions Of Cotton Breeding- Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results, 2022, p.-899-903