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Works (3)

Evaluating CloudResearch’s Approved Group as a solution for problematic data quality on MTurk

Behavior Research Methods
2022-11-03 | Journal article
Contributors: David J. Hauser; Aaron J. Moss; Cheskie Rosenzweig; Shalom N. Jaffe; Jonathan Robinson; Leib Litman
Source: check_circle

Did people really drink bleach to prevent COVID-19? A tale of problematic respondents and a guide for measuring rare events in survey data

2020-12-11 | Other
Contributors: Leib Litman; Zohn Rosen; Cheskie Rosenzweig; Sarah L. Weinberger-Litman; Aaron J. Moss; Jonathan Robinson
Source: check_circle

The persistence of pay inequality: The gender pay gap in an anonymous online labor market

2020-02-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Leib Litman; Luís A. Nunes Amaral; Jonathan Robinson; Zohn Rosen; Cheskie Rosenzweig; Joshua Waxman; Lisa M. Bates
Source: check_circle