Personal information
Professor, IMPMC, Sorbonne Université Ph. : +33 1 44 27 52 07
4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Paris, France Born Dec-30 1972, one child
Visiting professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh
Member of Institut Universitaire de France
Education and diploma:
– 2009: Habilitation thesis Université Pierre et Marie Curie. “Some examples of the effect of pressure on the chemical properties of geomaterials”.
– 2000-2001: Post-graduate training as a Carnegie fellow, Geophysical Laboratory, Carnegie Institution of Washington, USA. Advisers: Y. Fei, R. Hemley and H.-K. Mao.
– 1996-2000: Ph. D. Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, laboratoire de Sciences de la Terre, 2000. Graduate student and teaching assistant. PhD title: “Composition and internal structure of Mars; high pressure experimentation on molten Fe and Fe-alloys; zirconium isotopes in meteorites”. Advisors: P. Gillet, F. Guyot and F. Albarède.
– 1992-1996: geology studies at Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris
– 2014-: Professor, Sorbonne Université, Institut des Sciences de la Terre de Paris, and Institut de Minéralogie, Physique des matériaux et cosmochimie since 2019.
– 2011-2014 : scientist at the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions (CSEC), University of Edinburgh, funded by an ERC consolidator grant (“Magmas at depth: an experimental study at extreme conditions”).
– 2007-2009 : sabbatical leave in CSEC, University of Edinburgh, funded by a Marie Curie European Intra-Fellowship (“High pressure experimental geochemistry. Reactivity of inert gases and the composition of planetary cores”).
– 2001-2014: lecturer in Earth Sciences, Université Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6.
Local responsibilities and administrative duties (since professorship in 2014):
– 2021-: head of the Mineralogy, Petrology and Physics of planetary interiors group at IMPMC (9 staff members and a dozen PhD/post-docs on average)
– 2020-: head of Earth sciences BSc (approximately 220 students)
– 2020-: steering committee of Materials science institute IMAT at Sorbonne University
– 2018-2022 : elected member of board of trustees, Sorbonne université, and as such council member of the university department for contractual activity
– 2016-2017 : elected member of board of trustees, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, and as such council member of the university department for contractual activity
– 2015-2018: head of the Petrology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy group at ISTEP
– 2014-2018: adviser to the dean of research&innovation (Université Pierre et Marie Curie) for the climate change laboratories (four laboratories: LOCEAN, LMD, LATMOS, METIS, and two federations: IPSL and FIRE)
National and international leadership (since professorship in 2014):
– 2014-2023: visiting professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh.
– 2022-: associate editor for the Journal of Geophysical Research (AGU)
– 2020-: member of CNRS Solid Earth and Interdisciplinary Instrumentation committees
– 2019-2022: member of beamtime review panels for PetraIII (Germany) and Spring-8 (Japan) synchrotrons
– 2015: fellow of the Mineralogical Society of America
– elected member of synchrotron users organisations (PetraIII-Hamburg since 2017, European synchrotron radiation facility from 2009 to 2014)
– 2013-2020: member of the committee for national instruments in Earth’s sciences (INSU, CNRS), and of the RéGEF network (French network in geochemistry, mineralogy and petrology)
– 2011-2017: elected member of the executive committee of the International Association for the Advancement of High Pressure Science and Technology (AIRAPT)
– thesis committees: 21 PhDs including 2 outside France, and 6 habilitation thesis
– teaching at four international summer schools (grad and post-grad students)
– 21 invited lectures and seminars
– 2021-2023: Sorbonne Université Emergence funding (30 k€) and CNRS Planetology National Programme (20 k€) for Ar retention in the lower mantle
– 2019-2022: CNRS 80PRIME project on Xe in geological and nuclear contexts (120 k€)
– 2018-2021: ANR Volc-Hal-Clim on halogens from mantle to atmosphere (PI T. Roberts, Orléans), work task on halogens deep cycle (175 k€ for IMPMC)
– 2018-2022: CRC PhD funding (70 k€)
– 2018-2019: CNRS MITI Défisotop funding (35 k€)
– 2016-2019: PhD funding from Ecole Normale Supérieure (55 k€)
– 2011-2017: PI of the ERC grant “Magmas at depth” (1.4 M€), 3 post-docs, 3 PhD students
PhDs/post-docs supervision:
– 7 PhD students (G. Morard, H. Spice, C. de Grouchy, C. Leroy, C. Crépisson, I. Rzeplinski, Q. Chen)
– 4 post-docs (J. Drewitt, J. Hudspeth, B. Cochain, T. Grützner)
Employment (1)
Education and qualifications (2)
Works (50 of 67)