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Works (3)

Effect of soybean grain (Glycine max L.) supplementation on the production and fatty acid profile in milk of grazing cows in the dry tropics of Mexico

Tropical Animal Health and Production
2022-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Rodolfo Vieyra-Alberto; Reyna Elizabeth Zetina-Martínez; Jaime Olivares-Pérez; Héctor Hugo Galicia-Aguilar; Saúl Rojas-Hernández; Juan Carlos Ángeles-Hernández
Source: check_circle

Effects of Havardia albicans supplementation on feed consumption and dry matter digestibility of sheep and the biology of Haemonchus contortus

Animal Feed Science and Technology
2012 | Journal article


Part of ISSN: 03778401
Contributors: Galicia-Aguilar, H.H.; Rodríguez-González, L.A.; Capetillo-Leal, C.M.; Cámara-Sarmiento, R.; Aguilar-Caballero, A.J.; Sandoval-Castro, C.A.; Torres-Acosta, J.F.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Héctor Hugo Galicia Aguilar via Scopus - Elsevier

In vitro nematocidal activity of plant extracts of Mexican flora against Haemonchus contortus fourth larval stage

Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
2008 | Conference paper


Part of ISSN: 17496632 00778923
Contributors: Galicia Aguilar, H.H.; Mendoza de Gives, P.; Salinas Sánchez, D.O.; López-Arellano, M.E.; Liébano Hernández, E.; López Aroche, U.; Valladares-Cisneros, G.
Source: Self-asserted source
Héctor Hugo Galicia Aguilar via Scopus - Elsevier