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United States


Employment (1)

NorthWest Research Associates: Boulder, CO, US

Sr. Research Scientist, Vice President, Director (Boulder Office)
Source: Self-asserted source
M. Joan Alexander

Education and qualifications (1)

University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO, US

Ph.D. (Astrophysical, Planetary, and Atmospheric Sciences)
Source: Self-asserted source
M. Joan Alexander

Works (50 of 69)

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Stratospheric Gravity waves in AIRS observations and high-resolution models

2025-03-18 | Preprint
Contributors: Phoebe Noble; Haruka Okui; Joan Alexander; Manfred Ern; Neil Hindley; Lars Hoffmann; Laura Holt; Annelize van Niekerk; Riwal Plougonven; Inna Polichtchouk et al.
Source: check_circle

Convection-generated gravity waves in the tropical lower stratosphere from Aeolus wind profiling, GNSS-RO and ERA5 reanalysis

2025-02-26 | Preprint
Contributors: Mathieu Ratynski; Sergey Khaykin; Alain Hauchecorne; Joan Alexander; Alexis Mariaccia; Philippe Keckhut; Antoine Mangin
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Comparison between non orographic gravity wave drag parameterizations used in QBOi models and Strateole2 constant level balloons                 

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Raj Rani; François Lott; Charles McLandress; Aurélien Podglagen; Andrew Bushell; Martina Bramberger; Hyun-Kyu Lee; M. Joan Alexander; James Anstey; Hye-Yeong Chun et al.
Source: check_circle

Comparison between the gravity wave stress parameterized in a climate model and simulated by the high-resolution non-hydrostatic global model ICON

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Iman Toghraei; François Lott; Laura Köhler; Claudia Stephan; Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Gravity Wave Lateral Propagation Prominence in the Extratropical Stratosphere

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Aman Gupta; Aditi Sheshadri; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

How realistic are resolved gravity waves in ERA5 reanalysis compared to satellite observations?

2025-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Neil Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; Manfred Ern; Lars Hoffmann; Laura Holt; Riwal Plougonven; Inna Polichtchouk; Claudia Stephan; Annelize van Niekerk et al.
Source: check_circle

Data Imbalance, Uncertainty Quantification, and Transfer Learning in Data‐Driven Parameterizations: Lessons From the Emulation of Gravity Wave Momentum Transport in WACCM

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2024-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Y. Qiang Sun; Hamid A. Pahlavan; Ashesh Chattopadhyay; Pedram Hassanzadeh; Sandro W. Lubis; M. Joan Alexander; Edwin P. Gerber; Aditi Sheshadri; Yifei Guan
Source: check_circle

Insights on Lateral Gravity Wave Propagation in the Extratropical Stratosphere From 44 Years of ERA5 Data

Geophysical Research Letters
2024-07-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Aman Gupta; Aditi Sheshadri; M. Joan Alexander; Thomas Birner
Source: check_circle

Recreating Observed Convection‐Generated Gravity Waves From Weather Radar Observations via a Neural Network and a Dynamical Atmospheric Model

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2024-04 | Journal article
Contributors: C. G. Kruse; M. J. Alexander; M. Bramberger; A. Chattopadhyay; P. Hassanzadeh; B. Green; A. Grimsdell; L. Hoffmann
Source: check_circle

Gravity Wave Momentum Fluxes Estimated From Project Loon Balloon Data

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2024-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Brian Green; Aditi Sheshadri; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; François Lott
Source: check_circle

Aeolus wind lidar observations of the 2019/2020 quasi-biennial oscillation disruption with comparison to radiosondes and reanalysis

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2024-02-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Timothy P. Banyard; Corwin J. Wright; Scott M. Osprey; Neil P. Hindley; Gemma Halloran; Lawrence Coy; Paul A. Newman; Neal Butchart; Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Insights on Lateral Gravity Wave Propagation in the Extratropical Stratosphere from 44 Years of ERA5 Data

2024-02-01 | Preprint
Contributors: Aman Gupta; Aditi Sheshadri; M. Joan Alexander; Thomas Birner
Source: check_circle

Explainable Offline‐Online Training of Neural Networks for Parameterizations: A 1D Gravity Wave‐QBO Testbed in the Small‐Data Regime

Geophysical Research Letters
2024-01-28 | Journal article
Contributors: Hamid A. Pahlavan; Pedram Hassanzadeh; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Stratospheric gravity waves excited by Hurricane Joaquin in 2015: 3-D characteristics and the correlation with hurricane intensification

2024-01-05 | Preprint
Contributors: Xue Wu; Lars Hoffmann; Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Silvio Kalisch; Xin Wang; Bing Chen; Yinan Wang; Daren Lyu
Source: check_circle

Data Imbalance, Uncertainty Quantification, and Generalization via Transfer Learning in Data-driven Parameterizations: Lessons from the Emulation of Gravity Wave Momentum Transport in WACCM

2023-12-27 | Preprint
Contributors: Y. Qiang Sun; Hamid Pahlavan; Ashesh Chattopadhyay; Pedram Hassanzadeh; Sandro W. Lubis; M. Joan Alexander; Edwin P Gerber; Aditi Sheshadri; Yifei Guan
Source: check_circle

A Method for Estimating Global Subgrid‐Scale Orographic Gravity‐Wave Temperature Perturbations in Chemistry‐Climate Models

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2023-09 | Journal article
Contributors: M. Weimer; C. Wilka; D. E. Kinnison; R. R. Garcia; J. T. Bacmeister; M. J. Alexander; A. Dörnbrack; S. Solomon
Source: check_circle

Tropical Wave Observations From the Reel‐Down Atmospheric Temperature Sensor (RATS) in the Lowermost Stratosphere During Strateole‐2

Geophysical Research Letters
2023-09-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Martina Bramberger; Doug Goetz; M. Joan Alexander; Lars Kalnajs; Albert Hertzog; Aurelien Podglajen
Source: check_circle

Gravity wave momentum fluxes estimated from Project Loon balloon data

2023-09-11 | Preprint
Contributors: Brian Green; Aditi Sheshadri; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; François Lott
Source: check_circle

Quantifying 3D Gravity Wave Drag in a Library of Tropical Convection‐Permitting Simulations for Data‐Driven Parameterizations

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2023-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Y. Qiang Sun; Pedram Hassanzadeh; M. Joan Alexander; Christopher G. Kruse
Source: check_circle

Continuous temperature profiles within the tropical tropopause layer with fiber optic distributed temperature sensing aboard long duration constant altitude balloons in Stratéole 2

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Lars Kalnajs; J. Douglas Goetz; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger
Source: check_circle

Gravity Waves in the Tropical UTLS: New Insights from Aeolus Wind Profiling Data

2023-05-15 | Preprint
Contributors: Mathieu Ratynski; Sergey Khaykin; Alain Hauchecorne; Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Exploiting High‐Density Zonal‐Sampling of HIRDLS Profiles Near 60°S to Investigate Missing Drag in Chemistry‐Climate Models

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2023-04-27 | Journal article
Contributors: Laura A. Holt; Colby M. Brabec; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

A fiber-optic distributed temperature sensor for continuous in situ profiling up to 2 km beneath constant-altitude scientific balloons

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2023-02-10 | Journal article
Contributors: J. Douglas Goetz; Lars E. Kalnajs; Terry Deshler; Sean M. Davis; Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Recreating observed convection-generated gravity waves from weather radar observations via a neural network and a dynamical atmospheric model

2023-01-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Christopher G Kruse; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; Ashesh Chattopadhyay; Pedram Hassanzadeh; Brian Green; Alison W. Grimsdell; Lars Hoffmann
Source: check_circle

Quantifying 3D Gravity Wave Drag in a Library of Tropical Convection-permitting Simulations for Data-driven Parameterizations

2022-12-17 | Preprint
Contributors: Y. Qiang Sun; Pedram Hassanzadeh; M. Joan Alexander; Christopher G Kruse
Source: check_circle

Equatorial waves resolved by balloon-borne Global Navigation Satellite System radio occultation in the Strateole-2 campaign

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
2022-12-05 | Journal article
Contributors: Bing Cao; Jennifer S. Haase; Michael J. Murphy; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; Albert Hertzog
Source: check_circle

A method for estimating global subgrid-scale gravity-wave temperature perturbations in chemistry-climate models

2022-11-07 | Preprint
Contributors: Michael Weimer; Catherine Wilka; Douglas Edward Kinnison; Rolando R. Garcia; Julio T. Bacmeister; M. Joan Alexander; Andreas Dörnbrack; Susan Solomon
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Surface-to-space atmospheric waves from Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai eruption

2022-09-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Mathew Barlow; Lars Hoffmann; Cathryn N. Mitchell; Fred Prata; Marie Bouillon; Justin Carstens; Cathy Clerbaux et al.
Source: check_circle

Impacts, processes and projections of the quasi-biennial oscillation

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment
2022-08-02 | Journal article
Contributors: James A. Anstey; Scott M. Osprey; Joan Alexander; Mark P. Baldwin; Neal Butchart; Lesley Gray; Yoshio Kawatani; Paul A. Newman; Jadwiga H. Richter
Source: check_circle

Exploiting close zonal-sampling of HIRDLS profiles near turnaround latitude to investigate missing drag in chemistry-climate models near 60 S

2022-07-09 | Preprint
Contributors: Laura A Holt; Colby Brabec; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

Equatorial waves resolved by balloon-borne Global Navigation Satellite System Radio Occultation in the Strateole-2 Campaign

2022-06-20 | Preprint
Contributors: Bing Cao; Jennifer S. Haase; Michael J. Murphy; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; Albert Hertzog
Source: check_circle

Travelling Ionospheric Disturbances Detected by the Scintillation Observations and Response of The Ionosphere to Electrodynamics (SORTIE) CubeSat at 420 km Altitude

2022-05-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Irfan Azeem; Geoff Crowely; Wanli Wu; Cora E Randall; V. Lynn Harvey; Sharon L. Sharon; M. Joan Alexander; Karthik Venkatarmani; Russell Alan Stoneback; Michael Perdue et al.
Source: check_circle

Surface-to-space atmospheric waves from Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai eruption

2022-05-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Corwin Wright; Neil Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Mathew Barlow; Lars Hoffmann; Cathryn Mitchell; Fred Prata; Marie Bouillon; Justin Carstens; Cathy Clerbaux et al.
Source: check_circle

A Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensor for Continuous in situ Profiling 2 km Beneath Constant-altitude Scientific Balloons

2022-04-22 | Preprint
Contributors: J. Douglas Goetz; Lars K. Kalnajs; Terry Deshler; Sean Davis; Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander
Source: check_circle

First measurements of fine-vertical-scale wave impacts on the tropical lower stratosphere

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander; Sean M. Davis; Aurelien Podglajen; Albert Hertzog; Lars Kalnajs; Terry Deshler; J. Douglas Goetz; Sergey Khaykin
Source: check_circle

Simulating Convective GWs forced by Radar-Based, Neural-Network-Predicted Diabatic Heating

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Christopher Kruse; M. Joan Alexander; Martina Bramberger; Padram Hassanzadeh; Ashesh Chattopadhyay; Brian Green; Alison Grimsdell
Source: check_circle

The global reach of gravity waves at the stratospheric speed limit from the 2022 Hunga Tonga volcanic eruption

2022-03-28 | Preprint
Contributors: Neil Hindley; Lars Hoffmann; M. Joan Alexander; Cathryn Mitchell; Scott Osprey; Cora Randall; Corwin Wright; Jia Yue
Source: check_circle

Seasonal Prediction of the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2022-03-27 | Journal article
Contributors: L. Coy; P. A. Newman; A. Molod; S. Pawson; M. J. Alexander; L. Holt
Source: check_circle

First Super‐Pressure Balloon‐Borne Fine‐Vertical‐Scale Profiles in the Upper TTL: Impacts of Atmospheric Waves on Cirrus Clouds and the QBO

Geophysical Research Letters
2022-03-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander; Sean Davis; Aurelien Podglajen; Albert Hertzog; Lars Kalnajs; Terry Deshler; J. Douglas Goetz; Sergey Khaykin
Source: check_circle

Tonga eruption triggered waves propagating globally from surface to edge of space

2022-03-03 | Preprint
Contributors: Corwin Wright; Neil Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Mathew Barlow; Lars Hoffmann; Cathryn Mitchell; Fred Prata; Marie Bouillon; Justin Carstens; Cathy Clerbaux et al.
Source: check_circle

Stratospheric Gravity Waves as a Proxy for Hurricane Intensification: A Case Study of Weather Research and Forecast Simulation for Hurricane Joaquin

Geophysical Research Letters
2022-01-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Xue Wu; Lars Hoffmann; Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; Silvio Kalisch; M. Joan Alexander; Yinan Wang
Source: check_circle

Using TRMM Latent Heat as a Source to Estimate Convection Induced Gravity Wave Momentum Flux in the Lower Stratosphere

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2022-01-16 | Journal article
Contributors: Chuntao Liu; Joan Alexander; Jadwiga Richter; Julio Bacmeister
Source: check_circle

Stratospheric Gravity Waves as a Proxy for Hurricane Intensification: a Case Study of WRF Simulation for Hurricane Joaquin

2021-12-08 | Preprint
Contributors: Xue Wu; Lars Hoffmann; Corwin James Wright; Neil P Hindley; Silvio Kalisch; M. Joan Alexander; Yinan Wang
Source: check_circle

Using vertical phase differences to better resolve 3D gravity wave structure

Atmospheric Measurement Techniques
2021-08-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Laura A. Holt; Lars Hoffmann
Source: check_circle

Stratospheric Gravity Waves as a Proxy for Hurricane Intensification: a Case Study of Mesoscale Simulations for Hurricane Joaquin

2021-05-21 | Preprint
Contributors: Xue Wu; Lars Hoffmann; Corwin James Wright; Neil P Hindley; Silvio Kalisch; M. Joan Alexander; Yinan Wang
Source: check_circle

Observational Validation of Parameterized Gravity Waves From Tropical Convection in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model

Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
2021-04-16 | Journal article
Contributors: M. J. Alexander; C. C. Liu; J. Bacmeister; M. Bramberger; A. Hertzog; J. H. Richter
Source: check_circle

Supplementary material to "Using Vertical Phase Differences to Better Resolve 3D Gravity Wave Structure"

2021-04-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Laura A. Holt; Lars Hoffmann
Source: check_circle

Using Vertical Phase Differences to Better Resolve 3D Gravity Wave Structure

2021-04-06 | Preprint
Contributors: Corwin J. Wright; Neil P. Hindley; M. Joan Alexander; Laura A. Holt; Lars Hoffmann
Source: check_circle

Observational validation of parameterized gravity waves from tropical convection in the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM)

2020-10-13 | Preprint
Contributors: M. Joan Alexander; Chuntao Liu; Julio T. Bacmeister; Martina Bramberger; Albert Hertzog; Jadwiga H. Richter
Source: check_circle

Realistic Simulation of Tropical Atmospheric Gravity Waves Using Radar‐Observed Precipitation Rate and Echo Top Height

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems
2020-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Martina Bramberger; M. Joan Alexander; Alison W. Grimsdell
Source: check_circle
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