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Works (6)

Is exercise therapy the right treatment for rotator cuff‐related shoulder pain? Uncertainties, theory, and practice

Musculoskeletal Care
2024-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jared K. Powell; Jeremy Lewis; Ben Schram; Wayne Hing
Source: check_circle

“Restoring That Faith in My Shoulder”: A Qualitative Investigation of How and Why Exercise Therapy Influenced the Clinical Outcomes of Individuals With Rotator Cuff–Related Shoulder Pain

Physical Therapy
2023-12-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Jared K Powell; Nathalia Costa; Ben Schram; Wayne Hing; Jeremy Lewis
Source: check_circle

Physiotherapists nearly always prescribe exercise for rotator cuff‐related shoulder pain; but why? A cross‐sectional international survey of physiotherapists

Musculoskeletal Care
2023-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Jared K. Powell; Ben Schram; Jeremy Lewis; Wayne Hing
Source: check_circle

“You have (rotator cuff related) shoulder pain, and to treat it, I recommend exercise.” A scoping review of the possible mechanisms underpinning exercise therapy

Musculoskeletal Science and Practice
2022-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Jared K. Powell; Ben Schram; Jeremy Lewis; Wayne Hing
Source: check_circle

Should we provide a clinical diagnosis for people with shoulder pain? Absolutely, maybe, never! The ongoing clinical debate between leavers and retainers

New Zealand Journal of Physiotherapy
2022-03-24 | Journal article | Writing - review & editing
Part of ISSN: 0303-7193
Part of ISSN: 2230-4886
Contributors: Jared Powell
Source: Self-asserted source
Jared Powell

Rotator Cuff–Related Shoulder Pain: Is It Time to Reframe the Advice, “You Need to Strengthen Your Shoulder”?

Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy
2021-04 | Journal article | Conceptualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing
Part of ISSN: 0190-6011
Part of ISSN: 1938-1344
Contributors: Jared Powell
Source: Self-asserted source
Jared Powell