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Works (5)

Predicting and Understanding Care Levels of Elderly People with Machine Learning

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Naguib Heiba; Yehya Mohamad; Carlos A. Velasco; Henrike Gappa; Thomas Berlage; Sandra Geisler
Source: check_circle

A step forward in supporting home care more effectively

2022-08-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Henrike Gappa; Yehya Mohamad; Naguib Heiba; Daniel Zenz; Tassilo Mesenhöller; Alexia Zurkuhlen; Janine Pöpper; Wolfgang Schmidt-Barzynski
Source: check_circle

CAREPATH methodology for development of computer interpretable, integrated clinical guidelines

2022-08-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Omid Pournik; Bilal Ahmad; George Despotou; Sarah N. Lim Choi Keung; Yehya Mohamad; Henrike Gappa; Gokce B. Laleci Erturkmen; Mustafa Yuksel; Mert Gencturk; Wolfgang Schmidt-Barzynski et al.
Source: check_circle

Key scenarios, Use Cases & Architecture of an E-health Homecare Instance

2022-08-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Yehya Mohamad; Henrike Gappa; Naguib Heiba; Mustafa Yuksel; Carlos A. Velasco; Mert Gencturk; Pedro Abizanda; Gokce B. Laleci Erturkmen; Antje Steinhoff; Jaouhar Ayadi et al.
Source: check_circle

The design of a mobile platform providing personalized assistance to older multimorbid patients with mild dementia or mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

2022-08-31 | Conference paper
Contributors: Mert Gencturk; Gokce B. Laleci Erturkmen; Henrike Gappa; Wolfgang Schmidt-Barzynski; Antje Steinhoff; Pedro Abizanda; Timothy Robbins; Omid Pournik; Bilal Ahmad; Harpal Randeva et al.
Source: check_circle