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I am an experienced educator and practitioner with over thirty years of experience working within the creative sector and adult education. A specialist in applied design and contemporary craft my portfolio career bridging education and industry has provided a wealth of underpinned knowledge and experience in delivering pragmatic solutions to trans-disciplinary methodologies.
My current position of Associate Teaching Professor within the School of the Arts & Creative Technologies concentrates teaching towards 2D applied and digital surface pattern techniques as part of the BA(Hons) Textiles & Surface Design programme. Additional responsibilities are directed towards student transition and industry engagement, bridging links with external partners and developing learners professional practice and self-promotion skills.
As an early career researcher my completed doctorate studies was directed towards investigating the value of creativity and skills acquisition within education and society, a direct response to the regression of arts and design within all levels of mainstream education. This has contributed to the formation of the CreatED research group, a collaboration between the Schools of Arts & Creative Technologies with Education exploring the place of creativity within 21st Centrury education practice.
Employment (9)
Education and qualifications (3)
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