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Wojciech Presz, Dr hab, Ph.D, MSc mech. eng. is employed as an assistant professor at the Institute of Manufacturing Technology, Department of Metal Forming and Casting, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology. He received his doctoral degree at the said Faculty in 1991. As a scholarship holder, he was temporarily at the Technical University of Denmark in Lyngby - DTU and at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow. As part of European projects, he was temporarily employed at DTU. He was also employed by Danish companies Noliac (piezoelectric actuators) and Proconsult (metal forming technology consulting), designing processes and test benches. He has authored some 50 publications in conferences and journals. His areas of interest include contact phenomena, physical and numerical modelling, the broad issues of miniaturization of metal forming and mechanical joining processes (particularly clinching). His areas of interest include contact phenomena, physical and numerical modelling, and broad issues of miniaturization of metal forming and mechanical joining processes (especially clinching). In all micromachining, he is concerned with supporting these processes with tool vibrations of various frequency ranges - up to ultrasonic frequencies. He deals with metallic materials of various structures - including BMG (bulk metallic glasses). In particular, he is involved in the lab-scale fabrication of UFG (Ultra-Fine Grained) metallic materials by SPD-ECAP (Severe Plastic Deformation- Equal Channel Angular Pressing) processes. He received a postdoctoral (habitation) degree in microtechnology in 2020. From 2020 to 2024, he was employed as a professor at the Warsaw University of Technology and served as the head of the Department of Metal Forming and Casting. Currently, he is an assistant professor employed in this department.