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Doris Elster was born 1958 in Vienna, Austria. She studied biology and science at the University Vienna and worked several years as a teacher for students of the secondary level in Vienna. In 2003 she completed her didactical doctoral study and moved to the Leibniz Institute of Science and Mathematics (IPN) in Kiel. There, she worked as a lecturer and empirical researcher. In 2009, Doris Elster followed a call to the University of Bremen, where she currently works as a full professor for science and biology education at the Institute of Science Education. She is head of the research group biology education. Her research interests: Teacher Professional Development, Education for Sustainable Development, Promotion of System Competence, Environmental Literacy, Nature of Science, Science Teachers' PCK. She is head of the outreach lab Backstage Science (BaSci Lab Biology). She is and was partner in several European projects about Relevance of Science Education, Interests and Recruitment in Science, Inquiry-based Teacher Education, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI).
Employment (10)
Education and qualifications (6)
Professional activities (6)
Funding (4)
Works (50 of 240)