Personal information

Formal concept analysis, Extract and represent knowledge, Artificial neural networks, Data mining, Electronic government (E-gov)


Computer analyst of Federal Service of Data Processing (SERPRO) and Postdoc in Computer Science of Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais (PUC Minas). He is Phd and MSc in Computer Science from Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in 2016 and 2010. B.S. degree in Computer Science from PUC Minas in 2007.


Employment (1)

Serviço Federal de Processamento de Dados: Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, BR

2009 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Education and qualifications (4)

Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, BR

2017-02-02 to present | Posdoc in Computer Science
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, MG, BR

2010 to 2016-05-16 | PHD in Computer Science (Department of computer science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, MG, BR

2008 to 2010 | Msc in Computer Science (Department of computer science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais: Belo Horizonte, MG, BR

2003 to 2007 | Bsc in Computer Science
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Works (25)

Exploring Different Paradigms to Extract Proper Implications From High Dimensional Formal Contexts

IEEE Access
2020 | Journal article
Contributors: Julio C. V. Neves; Pedro Henrique Batista Ruas Da Silveira; Rokia Missaoui; Sergio M. Dias; Luis E. Zarate; Mark A. J. Song
Source: check_circle

A Hybrid Approach to Solve SAT and UNSAT Problems

IEEE Latin America Transactions
2020-04 | Journal article
Contributors: Flavio Silva; Julio Neves; Sergio Dias; Luis Zarate; Mark Song
Source: check_circle

A methodology for analysis of concept lattice reduction

Information Sciences
2017 | Journal article


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Extraction of conservative rules for Translation Initiation Site prediction using formal concept analysis

ICEIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ferreira, L.M.; Pinto, C.L.N.; Dias, S.M.; Nobre, C.N.; Zárate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Formal concept analysis applied to professional social networks analysis

ICEIS 2017 - Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2017 | Conference paper


Contributors: Silva, P.R.C.; Dias, S.M.; Brandão, W.C.; Song, M.A.; Zárate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Attribute significance, consistency measure and attribute reduction in formal concept analysis

Neural Network World
2016 | Journal article


Contributors: Huang, C.; Li, J.; Dias, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Minimal cover of implication rules to represent two mode networks

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, WI-IAT 2015
2016 | Conference paper


Contributors: Neto, S.M.; Zárate, L.E.; Song, M.A.J.; Dias, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Canonical Computational Models Based on Formal Concept Analysis for Social Network Analysis and Representation

Proceedings - 2015 IEEE International Conference on Web Services, ICWS 2015
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Resende, G.J.; De Moraes, N.R.M.; Dias, S.M.; Neto, H.T.M.; Zarate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Concept lattices reduction: Definition, analysis and classification

Expert Systems with Applications
2015 | Journal article


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Using implications from FCA to represent a two mode network data

Proceedings of the International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE
2015 | Conference paper


Contributors: Neto, S.M.; Song, M.A.J.; Dias, S.M.; Zárate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Knowledge reduction in formal contexts using non-negative matrix factorization

Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2015-03 | Journal article
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Applying the JBOS reduction method for relevant knowledge extraction

Expert Systems with Applications
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Extracting reducible knowledge from ANN with JBOS and FCANN approaches

Expert Systems with Applications
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Zárate, L.E.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Using Iceberg Concept Lattices and Implications Rules to Extract Knowledge from Ann

Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing
2013 | Journal article


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Zárate, L.E.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Reducing the size of concept lattices: The JBOS approach

CEUR Workshop Proceedings
2010 | Conference paper


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Vieira, N.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Reducing the size of concept lattices: The JBOS Approach

Proc. CLA
2010 | Conference paper
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias

Qualitative behavior rules for the cold rolling process extracted from trained ANN via the FCANN method

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
2009 | Journal article


Contributors: Zárate, L.E.; Dias, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

Adaptation of FCANN method to extract and represent comprehensible knowledge from neural networks

Studies in Computational Intelligence
2008 | Book


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Nogueira, B.M.; Zárate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

An artificial neural network approach for mechanisms of call admission control in UMTS 3G networks

Proceedings - 8th International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems, HIS 2008
2008 | Conference paper


Contributors: Ribeiro, A.I.; Duarte-Figueiredo, F.; Novy, G.; Storck, C.; Dias, S.M.; Zárate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

FCANN: A new approach for extraction and representation of knowledge from ANN trained via Formal Concept Analysis

2008 | Journal article


Contributors: Zárate, L.E.; Dias, S.M.; Song, M.A.J.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

FCANN Method Applications for Knowledge Extraction From Previously Trained ANN

2007 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
2007-08 | Conference paper


Part of ISBN:




Contributors: Luis E. Zarate; Sergio M. Dias; Mark A.J. Song
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Crossref Metadata Search
Preferred source (of 2)‎

An approach to knowledge extraction from ANN through formal concept analysis - Computational tool proposal: Sophiann

IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics
2006 | Conference paper


Contributors: Zárate, L.E.; Song, M.; Alvarez, A.; Soares, B.; Nogueira, B.; Vimieiro, R.; Dias, S.; Santos, T.; Vieira, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

FCANN: An approach to knowledge representation from ANN through FCA - Effects of synthetic data base and discretization process, application in the cold rolling process

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology
2006 | Conference paper


Contributors: Dias, S.M.; Zarate, L.E.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

FCANN: An approach to knowledge representation from ANN through formal concept analysis - Application in the cold rolling process

IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference)
2006 | Conference paper


Contributors: Zárate, L.E.; Dias, S.M.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier

SOPHIANN: A tool for extraction knowledge rules from ANN previously trained - A case study

18th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, SEKE 2006
2006 | Conference paper


Contributors: Song, M.; Zárate, L.; Dias, S.; Alvarez, A.; Soares, B.; Nogueira, B.; Vimieiro, R.; Santos, T.; Vieira, N.
Source: Self-asserted source
Sérgio M. Dias via Scopus - Elsevier