Personal information


Works (27)

An empirical evaluation of sampling methods for the classification of imbalanced data

Plos One
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Misuk; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

TIDD: tool-independent and data-dependent machine learning for peptide identification

BMC Bioinformatics
2022 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Honglan; Na, Seungjin; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Paek, Eunok
Source: check_circle
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Predicting High Blood Pressure Using DNA Methylome-Based Machine Learning Models

2022-06 | Journal article | Author
Contributors: Mai Nguyen; Hoang Long Le; Kyu-Baek Hwang; Yun-Chul Hong; JIN HEE KIM
Source: check_circle
Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Comparative analysis of whole-genome sequencing pipelines to minimize false negative findings

Scientific Reports
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Lee, In-Hee; Li, Honglan; Won, Dhong-Geon; Hernandez-Ferrer, Carles; Negron, Jose Alberto; Kong, Sek Won
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Proteogenomic Characterization of Human Early-Onset Gastric Cancer

Cancer Cell
2019 | Journal article
Contributors: Mun, Dong-Gi; Bhin, Jinhyuk; Kim, Sangok; Kim, Hyunwoo; Jung, Jae Hun; Jung, Yeonjoo; Jang, Ye Eun; Park, Jong Moon; Kim, Hokeun; Jung, Yeonhwa et al.
Source: check_circle
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Systematic Comparison of False-Discovery-Rate-Controlling Strategies for Proteogenomic Search Using Spike-in Experiments

Journal of Proteome Research
2017 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Honglan; Park, Jonghun; Kim, Hyunwoo; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Paek, Eunok
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Evaluating the effect of database inflation in proteogenomic search on sensitive and reliable peptide identification

BMC Genomics
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Honglan; Joh, Yoon Sung; Kim, Hyunwoo; Paek, Eunok; Lee, Sang-Won; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
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Survey of computational haplotype determination methods for single individual

Genes & Genomics
2016 | Journal article
Contributors: Rhee, Je-Keun; Li, Honglan; Joung, Je-Gun; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Zhang, Byoung-Tak; Shin, Soo-Yong
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An Efficient Search Algorithm for Finding Genomic-Range Overlaps Based on the Maximum Range Length

IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Seok, Ho-Sik; Song, Taemin; Kong, Sek Won; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
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I148M variant in <i>PNPLA3</i> reduces central adiposity and metabolic disease risks while increasing nonalcoholic fatty liver disease

Liver International
2015 | Journal article
Contributors: Park, Jin-Ho; Cho, BeLong; Kwon, Hyuktae; Prilutsky, Daria; Yun, Jae Moon; Choi, Ho Chun; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Lee, In-Hee; Kim, Jong-Il; Kong, Sek Won
Source: check_circle
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Estimating Influence of Cofragmentation on Peptide Quantification and Identification in iTRAQ Experiments by Simulating Multiplexed Spectra

Journal of Proteome Research
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Li, Honglan; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Mun, Dong-Gi; Kim, Hokeun; Lee, Hangyeore; Lee, Sang-Won; Paek, Eunok
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Prioritizing Disease-Linked Variants, Genes, and Pathways with an Interactive Whole-Genome Analysis Pipeline

Human Mutation
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Lee, In-Hee; Lee, Kyungjoon; Hsing, Michael; Choe, Yongjoon; Park, Jin-Ho; Kim, Shu Hee; Bohn, Justin M.; Neu, Matthew B.; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Green, Robert C. et al.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Reducing False-Positive Incidental Findings with Ensemble Genotyping and Logistic Regression Based Variant Filtering Methods

Human Mutation
2014 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Lee, In-Hee; Park, Jin-Ho; Hambuch, Tina; Choe, Yongjoon; Kim, MinHyeok; Lee, Kyungjoon; Song, Taemin; Neu, Matthew B.; Gupta, Neha et al.
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

An efficient and effective wrapper based on paired t-test for learning naive Bayes classifiers from large-scale domains

Procedia Computer Science
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Chanju; Li, Honglan; Shin, Soo-Yong; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Partial AUC maximization for essential gene prediction using genetic algorithms

BMB Reports
2013 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Ha, Beom-Yong; Ju, Sanghun; Kim, Sangsoo
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

gSearch: a fast and flexible general search tool for whole-genome sequencing

2012 | Journal article
Contributors: Song, Taemin; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Hsing, Michael; Lee, Kyungjoon; Bohn, Justin; Kong, Sek Won
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Feature Relevance Network-Based Transfer Learning for Indoor Location Estimation

IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part C (Applications and Reviews)
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Seok, Ho-Sik; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Zhang, Byoung-Tak
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Systemic Analysis of Heat Shock Response Induced by Heat Shock and a Proteasome Inhibitor MG132

Plos One
2011 | Journal article
Contributors: Kim, Hee-Jung; Joo, Hye Joon; Kim, Yung Hee; Ahn, Soyeon; Chang, Jun; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Lee, Dong-Hee; Lee, Kong-Joo
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Applying Machine Learning Techniques to Tag Recommendation in Social Bookmarking Systems

2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Ju, Sanghun; Lee, Sangjun; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Locality-based Peer Clustering for Efficient Overlay Networks

2010 | Journal article
Contributors: Shin, Junghoon; Joo, Sangwook; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Lee, Sangjun; Park, Jisook
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Dinucleotide step parameterization of pre-miRNAs using multi-objective evolutionary algorithms

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Nam, Jin-Wu; Lee, In-Hee; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Park, Seong-Bae; Zhang, Byoung-Tak
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Discovery of microRNA-mRNA modules via population-based probabilistic learning

2007 | Journal article
Contributors: Joung, Je-Gun; Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Nam, Jin-Wu; Kim, Soo-Jin; Zhang, Byoung-Tak
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

A language independent n-gram model for word segmentation

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Kang, Seung-Shik; Hwang, Kyu-Baek
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Learning hierarchical Bayesian networks for large-scale data analysis

Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2006 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, Kyu-Baek; Kim, Byoung-Hee; Zhang, Byoung-Tak
Source: check_circle
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Bayesian model averaging of Bayesian network classifiers over multiple node-orders: Application to sparse datasets

Ieee Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B-Cybernetics
2005 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, KB; Zhang, BT
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

CrossChip: a system supporting comparative analysis of different generations of Affymetrix arrays

2005 | Journal article
Contributors: Kong, SW; Hwang, KB; Zhang, BT; Greenberg, SA; Kohane, IS; Park, PJ
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Combining gene expression data from different generations of oligonucleotide arrays

BMC Bioinformatics
2004 | Journal article
Contributors: Hwang, KB; Kong, SW; Greenberg, SA; Park, PJ
Source: check_circle
Web of Science Researcher Profile Sync

Peer review (11 reviews for 5 publications/grants)

Review activity for Bioinformatics (1)
Review activity for BMC bioinformatics (3)
Review activity for Intelligent systems with applications. (3)
Review activity for Multimedia tools and applications. (2)
Review activity for Soft computing. (2)