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Digitalization, ICT4D, Public Administration, Information System
Switzerland, Haiti


Sonel Pyram is a PhD student at the Swiss Graduate School of Public Administration. His research focuses on the digital transformation of public administration, with a particular interest in its impact on developing countries. His work is in the field of information and communication technologies for development, where he is exploring innovative ways to improve access to digital services and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector. His research is inspired by the belief that technology can play a critical role in promoting inclusive and sustainable development, and that this potential can be harnessed for the benefit of people in low-income countries. He has an academic background in Economics and Management sciences from Laval University in Canada and University of Liège (HEC-Management school) in Belgium. He has a passion for international development and has previously worked for non-profit organisations and academic institutions as consultant and research assistant over the years. His practical experience in the field has given him a deep understanding of the complex challenges faced by developing countries, and a commitment to finding practical and sustainable solutions.


Funding (1)

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship

Source: Self-asserted source
Sonel Pyram