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Geriatrics, Nutrition, Sarcopenia


I trained in Dublin, obtained my CCT in Internal/Geriatric Medicine in UK, and FRCP from Edinburgh. I have a deep passion in delivering best care for the Elderly, and both undergraduate and postgraduate teaching. Clinical work includes acute geriatric medicine, geriatric rehab, management of multi-morbidity in the ambulatory setting and health informatics. Currently engaged in clinical research in nutrition and muscle health in elderly patients in Singapore.


Employment (3)

SingHealth Duke-NUS Academic Medical Centre: Singapore, SG

2023-01-01 to present | Associate Professor (Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Teong Huang Chew

National University of Singapore Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine: Singapore, SG

2020-06-01 to present | Adjunct Associate Professor (Department of Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Teong Huang Chew

Changi General Hospital: Singapore, SG

2016-05-01 to present | Senior Consultant (Geriatric Medicine)
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Teong Huang Chew

Education and qualifications (1)

Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland: Dublin, IE

1992-09-09 to 1997-05-30 | MB BCH BAO
Source: Self-asserted source
Samuel Teong Huang Chew

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Drugs & therapy perspectives (1)