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S.S.S. Sarma (Full name rarely used in publications: Singaraju Sri Subrahmanya Sarma, born on 24 September 1958), PhD obtained in 1988, is an aquatic ecologist, known for his research contributions in the field of freshwater zooplankton []. He is full time Professor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, known in the abbreviated form as UNAM) at its north Mexico City Campus, FESI, Tlalnepantla (Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala) [] , []. He is elected member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC Mexico), International Society of Limnology (SIL USA), Royal Society of Biology (RSB London) and National Researcher (Sistema Nacional de Investigadores – S.N.I. level III 2009-2028) of the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACyT, Mexico). He has published more than 300 articles and book chapters of which more than 285 scientific works are from standard journals, including Nature, indexed in Web of Science (Core collection) / Scopus ( He has edited/co-edited 14 special volumes for prestigious publishers including Springer, Elsevier, Francis & Taylor, and Acad. Env. Biol. He is currently Editor of Rotifer News, a virtual newsletter for professional and amateur investigators of phylum Rotifera [].
He is fluent in English and Spanish.
He is/was on the Editorial Board of the following standard journals: Allelopathy Journal (Int. Allelopathy Foundation), Aquatic Ecology (Springer), Egyptian Journal Aquatic Sciences (Elsevier), Fishes (MDPI), Frontiers in Marine Science (Frontiers Media SA), Hydrobiologia (Springer), Inland Waters (International Society of Limnology, SIL), Journal of Environmental Biology (Acad. of Env. Biol.), Journal of Environmental Science and Health A (Francis & Taylor), The Open Ecology Journal (Bentham Open), Journal of Limnology and Freshwater Fisheries Research (Egirdir Fisheries Research Institute, Turkey), Journal of Plankton Research (Oxford University Press), The Open Marine Biology Journal (Bentham Open), PLOS One (Public Library of Science) and Saline Systems (Biomed Central).
Reviewer of Research Projects for National (CONACyT, UNAM, COMECyT etc.), Bilateral Collaborative (CONACyT-USA) and International (NSC Poland, NKFIH Hungary, IFS Sweden, European Science Foundation EU etc.) Funding Agencies.
He is/was reviewer for about 100 journals belonging different publishers including Elsevier, Springer & Wiley.
Thesis guidance: 75 students have finished their theses (In Spanish with English Summary) at the three different levels of University Education (B.Sc. (4-year programme) by thesis; M.Sc. (2-year programme) by thesis & Doctorate by thesis).
According to Web of Science (WoS), he has published the highest number of WoS-indexed works on Rotifera during the last 120 years.