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Dr Omona Kizito is a Medical Doctor and Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Health Sciences (FHS) of Uganda Martyrs University, Kampala. He holds a PhD in Mgt [Healthcare Mgt], Master of Science in Health Services Mgt (MSc. HSM), Master of Science in Monitoring and Evaluation (MSc. M & E), Post Graduate Diploma in Project Planning and Mgt (PGD PPM), Post Graduate Certificate in Project Monitoring and Evaluation (PGC M & E), and Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBChB) degree from Gulu University. He is currently engaged in teaching Public Health and Health Services Management at graduate and post-graduate levels, Research supervision and publication in the said areas and levels, as well as community engagement, among others. His major Research areas are; Clinical Research, Public Health, and Maternal and Child health and now Child Focus Research.
Employment (6)
Education and qualifications (9)
Professional activities (3)
Funding (1)
AFRI 2022/07
Works (50 of 71)