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I (Dr. Ravikumar M) have been worked as Assistant Professor in the department of Chemical Engineering, Wachemo University, Hadiya, Ethiopia Since 2021 july to 2023 june. I have been worked as Lecturer in the department of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering and Technology, Samara University since 2015 November to 2021 July .I had 15 years Teaching Experience at College and University Level. I got Best Publisher award in the Academic years of 2018-2020 at Samara University, Ethiopia. I am a life member in Prestigious Organisations/Professional bodies such as MIIChE, IEI, ISTE, BRSI, ICS, CBEE, ISRD, IAEngg. I have been published 34 papers at national, International, peer reviewed and Scopus indexed journals till now. i have been presented 9 Papers at International and National level Conferences. I have been Participateinworkshops/symposium/seminars/ fdp -56. I am an Editor in chief for Indian journal of petroleum engineering and CLEAR IJRST journal and Blue eye intelligence research journal. i taught subjects as Production and Project Management, Mass Transfer, Hear Transfer, Process Industries, Process Measurement and Instrumentation, Energy Utilization and audit to graduation chemical engineering. I taught subjects for MSc Chemical Engineering as Advanced process control, Advanced Transport phenomena, advanced polymer science and engineering. I am a Reviewer for the journals are (1) Rasayan journal of Chemistry (2) Oriental journal of Chemistry (3) Bio mass Conversion and Bio refinery. (4)International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) (5) Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry I have Hard work and Honest, and willing to learn nature. i can prove myself if you give me opportunity in your Institution/Organisation . Thank you.