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Huriye Yıldırım Çinar, who obtained her Bachelor's and Master's degrees in International Relations from Akdeniz University, undertook her Master's thesis at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Rennes in France. She was awarded her PhD by Kocaeli University, Department of International Relations. The title of her doctoral thesis is "The Relationship between State-Building and Terrorism in Sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Nigeria and Boko Haram." She currently holds the position Asst. Prof. Dr at Van Yüzüncü Yıl University, Erciş Faculty Of Business Administration and also Co-Director at the TASAM Africa Institute (Istanbul/Türkiye)
Huriye Yıldırım Çinar is proficient in English and French and has a strong background in regional studies; Turkey-Africa relations, African studies, security issues in Africa, security studies, radicalism and terrorism. She is among the editors of two books: “Afrika Politikası: 21. Yüzyılda Güvenlik, Refah ve Demokrasi Arayışı” (African Politics: The Seach for Security, Welfare and Democracy in the 21st Century) and ““Küresel Aktörler ve Büyük Güç Rekabeti” (Global Actors and Great Power Competition. She has also published numerous articles and book chapters, and continues to contribute to the national and international press on African issues, as well as working on various projects.