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Works (4)

Shrubs Strongly Influence Snow Properties in Two Subarctic Watersheds

Permafrost and Periglacial Processes
2024-12-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Emma Lathrop; Lauren Thomas; Eve Gasarch; Claire Bachand; W. Robert Bolton; Robert Busey; Ryan L. Crumley; Julian Dann; Shannon L. Dillard; Katrina E. Bennett
Source: check_circle

Abrupt permafrost thaw drives spatially heterogeneous soil moisture and carbon dioxide fluxes in upland tundra

Global Change Biology
2023-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Heidi Rodenhizer; Susan M. Natali; Marguerite Mauritz; Meghan A. Taylor; Gerardo Celis; Stephanie Kadej; Allison K. Kelley; Emma R. Lathrop; Justin Ledman; Elaine F. Pegoraro et al.
Source: check_circle

A New Method for High Resolution Surface Change Detection: Data Collection and Validation of Measurements from UAS at the Nevada National Security Site, Nevada, USA

2021-04-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Brandon Crawford; Erika Swanson; Emily Schultz-Fellenz; Adam Collins; Julian Dann; Emma Lathrop; Damien Milazzo
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Climate variability and fill rate impacts on downstream flows from the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam [Sheets]

2019-08-21 | Report
Contributors: Kurt Solander; Avipsa Roy; Min Chen; Emily Casleton; Mark Wahl; Ahmad Tavakoly; Emma Lathrop; Cathy Wilson
Source: check_circle