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Works (5)

Custom Page Fault Handling With eBPF

2024-08-04 | Conference paper
Contributors: Tal Zussman; Teng Jiang; Asaf Cidon
Source: check_circle

rabpro: global watershed boundaries, river elevation profiles, and catchment statistics

Journal of Open Source Software
2022-05-31 | Journal article
Contributors: Jon Schwenk; Tal Zussman; Jemma Stachelek; Joel C. Rowland
Source: check_circle

River and Basin Profiler: a module for extracting watershed boundaries, river centerlines, and catchment statistics

2021-12-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Tal Zussman; Jon Schwenk; Joel Rowland
Source: check_circle

Veins of the Earth: a Flexible Framework for Mapping, Modeling, and Monitoring the Earth’s River Networks

2021-12-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Jon Schwenk; Jemma Stachelek; Katrina Bennett; Elizabeth Prior; Tal Zussman; Joel Rowland
Source: check_circle

Veins of the Earth: a Flexible Framework for Mapping, Modeling, and Monitoring the Earth’s River Networks

2021-12-30 | Preprint
Contributors: Jon Schwenk; Jemma Stachelek; Katrina Bennett; Elizabeth Prior; Tal Zussman; Joel Rowland
Source: check_circle