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Works (3)

Potential of Marine Algae (Seaweeds) in the Biosynthesis of Nanoparticles and their Biomedical Applications

2022-09-15 | Review
Contributors: rabaa algotiml
Source: Self-asserted source
rabaa algotiml

Anticancer and antimicrobial activity of biosynthesized Red Sea marine algal silver nanoparticles

Scientific Reports
2022-02-14 | Magazine article | Writing - review & editing
Contributors: rabaa algotiml
Source: Self-asserted source
rabaa algotiml

Anticancer and antimicrobial activity of red sea seaweeds extracts-mediated gold nanoparticles

2021-12-02 | Magazine article
Contributors: rabaa algotiml
Source: Self-asserted source
rabaa algotiml