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Works (2)

CONSTANS interacts with and antagonizes ABF transcription factors during salt stress under long-day conditions

Plant Physiology
2023-09-22 | Journal article
Contributors: Jiancan Du; Xiang Zhu; Kunrong He; Mengyi Kui; Juping Zhang; Xiao Han; Qiantang Fu; Yanjuan Jiang; Yanru Hu
Source: check_circle

CO interacts with JAZ repressors and bHLH subgroup IIId factors to negatively regulate jasmonate signaling in Arabidopsis seedlings

The Plant Cell
2023-02-20 | Journal article
Contributors: Xiao Han; Mengyi Kui; Tingting Xu; Jingwen Ye; Jiancan Du; Milian Yang; Yanjuan Jiang; Yanru Hu
Source: check_circle