Personal information

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sustainability, LCA, agribusiness, animal science


Employment (1)

Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados: Dourados, MS, BR

2013-02-28 to present | Professor/Researcher (FACE)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Education and qualifications (2)

Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul: Porto Alegre, RS, BR

2009-03-04 to 2012-08-27 | Doctor (CEPAN)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Universidade Federal de Santa Maria: Santa Maria, RS, BR

1989 to 1991 | Master of Science (Animal Science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Professional activities (4)

Organization of American States: Washington, DC, US

2020-03-01 to present | collaborative researcher
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

World Agricultural Information Centre of FAO: Rome, IT

2018-02-11 to present | collaborative researcher
Invited position
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Associação Brasileira de Ciclo de Vida: Sao Paulo, São Paulo, BR

2016 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Advances in Cleaner Production Network: São Paulo, São Paulo, BR

2015 to present
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruviaro, C. F.

Peer review (6 reviews for 6 publications/grants)

Review activity for Agroforestry systems. (1)
Review activity for Agronomy for sustainable development. (1)
Review activity for Environment, development and sustainability. (1)
Review activity for Environmental science and pollution research international (1)
Review activity for Heliyon. (1)
Review activity for Science of the total environment. (1)