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Osman M. Karatepe is Professor of Marketing in the Faculty of Tourism (formerly known as the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management, STHM) at Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU). His research interests are in the areas of services marketing and management, internal marketing, and international marketing. Specifically, his research interests entail service quality, customer (dis)satisfaction and customer loyalty, service recovery performance and customer complaint management, job resourcefulness and customer orientation, customer-related social stressors and emotional labor, work-family conflict and facilitation, job embeddedness, burnout and work engagement, internationalization process of small and medium-sized firms, and scale development and validation.
According to Park, Phillips, Canter, and Abbott’s (2011) recent article published in the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, Professor Karatepe is listed as one of the most prolific researchers regarding the number of articles in the field of hospitality marketing and hospitality human resources management in six major journals from 2000 to 2009. Specifically, Professor Karatepe ranks second in Europe and eighteenth in the world. In Way, Harrington, and Ottenbacher’s (2012) recent study published in the Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, Professor Karatepe also ranks second in Europe and eleventh in the world. Professor Karatepe, who has authored or co-authored over 80 articles in various journals, is among the most prolific researchers in terms of the number of articles listed by ISI Web of Science-Social Sciences Citation Index at EMU. Among others, his research with an international focus (e.g., Turkey, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Nigeria, Jordan, Cameroon, Albania, the United Arab Emirates, Iran), has been published in a number of leading international journals such as the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the Journal of Business Research, the International Journal of Service Industry Management, The Service Industries Journal, the Journal of Business Economics and Management, Managing Service Quality, the Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, the International Journal of Hospitality Management, the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, the International Journal of Tourism Research, the Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, the Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing, Cornell Hospitality Quarterly, and Tourism Management. The h-index for Professor Karatepe’s research in ISI Web of Knowledge, Scopus, and Google Scholar is 14 (366 citations), 18 (839 citations), and 23 (1782 citations), respectively (just after ten years of research). Recipient of several awards for research and teaching, Professor Karatepe reviewed more than 100 manuscripts for various leading international journals within the last ten years. He also sits on the editorial review boards of several leading refereed international and national journals.
He holds a B.S. degree in Tourism and Hotel Management from Bilkent University, an M.S. degree in Production Management and Marketing from Gazi University, and a Ph.D. degree in Business Administration from Hacettepe University in Ankara, the capital city of Turkey.
Before joining the STHM at EMU, he worked as a full-time instructor at Bilkent University, Baskent University, and Atilim University in Turkey and taught various courses, which were associated with marketing and tourism and hospitality management. He has been teaching Marketing for Tourism and Recreation Industry at the undergraduate level, Marketing Management for Tourism and Hospitality Industry, Quantitative Research Methods and Strategic Management for Tourism and Hospitality Industry at the graduate level for the last three years. Professor Karatepe taught these courses to students who, among others, were from Romania, China, Iran, Jordan, the United States, Cameroon, Nigeria, Israel, Albania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Mongolia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Russia, the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, and Turkey. In addition, he supervised a number of undergraduate and graduate theses.
Professor Karatepe was one of the founders of the EMU Center for Tourism Research and the EMU Journal of Tourism Research (JTR). He served as an Associate Editor and Co Editor-in-Chief of the EMU JTR. Professor Karatepe also worked as the Director of the STHM, a member of Research Advisory Board, the University Executive Board, and the Senate at EMU. Currently, he serves as an elected Professor Representative for EMU Senate, the chair of the University Curriculum Committee, and a member of the Research Ethics Board at EMU.
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