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The scientific research activity and related articles by D.Fargion are related to Theoretical Physics , Cosmology and High Energy Astrophysics. Some activity took place also on Holography . The first articles with V. Belinsky from Landau Institute regards exact soliton solutions in Cosmology (1981). Later papers are on Elementary particle in Astrophysics. Mostly on neutrino mass in astrophysics and cosmology. More recent papers with B.Mele and Salis (Ap.J. 1999) on UHE neutrinos are well known: the so called Z-Burst model (invented to overcome the relic photon opacity (BBR) to UHECR propagation), due to UHE neutrino scattering on relic light ones, has been widely noticed in literature (above 400 time citations). More recent articles on Horizontal Showers due to UHE tau (made up by the UHE (PeVs-EeVs) neutrino interactions in mountains or inside the Earth Crust) (cited above 120 times) is well known too: "Earth-Skimming Neutrinos" or Hortaus Airshowers (D.Fargion, ApJ.1999, 2000, 2002), (Fargion et.all)(ApJ.2004); these articles found theoretical attentions in present and on-going experiments. Indeed the tau air-shower subject finds a up-dated interest in present ground detectors (AUGER data from Ande shadows) and in future experiment from Space (EUSO) or on mountains (ASHRA). In particular AUGER, are now more and more devoted to Tau Showering at Horizons as suggested by us (see also AUGER (Phys.Rev.Lett.100:211101,2008)) ; more and more attention rised in last years on MAGIC detection of Cherenkov events at horizons, following our suggestion. Among the other it is worthful to remind a few earliest papers still of present interest: the time delay between the arrival of neutrino blast from a SuperNova respect to the Gravitational Burst, in order to measure the neutrino mass(Fargion 1981, Fargion 2002). Other papers define severe bounds on the Dirac and-or Majorana Neutrino mass in early Universe(Fargion,Shepkin 1984) or right-handed ones, (Fargion, M.Ross 1984), on magnetic monopoles abundance in magnetic cosmologies (1983). Other articles (with Khlopov,Konoplich 1995-2000),on Neutrino of fourth family, are recorded in Particle Data Book. The 4th Neutrino mass detection near half Z-boson mass energy in DAMA (Fargion et all. 1995-2000), in Higgs production in LHC (2004). Other paper regards TeV neutrinos relics as recent Glashow proposal, and new king of heavy lepton relics (at TeV energy) capable to bind and to make an exotic neutral dark matter (with M.Khlopov et all.2006). We inferred with M.Khlopov the most stringent limit on the antimatter in our galaxy (competitive with future AMS ones), limit derived by the absence of gamma flash annihilations in atmosphere (2003) due to eventual anti-meteorite hitting and explosions. We offered very recently for the first time the possible neutrino solar flare spectra (in particular on October 2003, Jan 2005 events), giving an estimate either in muonic flavour as well as in rarest tau component due to their lepton oscillations (2004,2005). Regarding GRBs and SGRs we offered in very earliest time a Jet nature in a very collimated way (correlated with SN and XR-Pulsars); this Jet idea got (partially) confirm only in last years (GRB25041998-SN1998bw,GRB030329-SN2003) and more and more attention and consensus. We made for this jet model the analitic theory of Inverse Compton Scattering,(Fargion et. all. 1998) on BBR and recently offering the idea of penetrating muon jet progenitor , by electron,gamma jet (2006), of the GRB and XRF outside the SN explosion. About the physics above the Satandard Model a very recent paper (with Dutta, Mele, 2005) regards SUSY signals in Cubic Km^3 in competition with UHE Pevs neutrinos. These ideas have been amplied in recent proposal hor horizontal air-showers from mounts, balloons, satellites. The articles about horizontal air-showers by Glashow neutrino resonance. In conclusion among the articles on Astro-particle, Z-Burst, Tau Air-Showers to reveal UHE Tau Neutrinos,(mostly by GZK-cut off due to BBR opacity), Higgs Boson decay in Heavy Neutrinos, and Solar Flare Neutrinos, Neutrino Oscillations along the Earth, are among the most reknowed papers. Studies based on UHECR interactions with BBR are mostly reknowed. More than 1699 citations (Inspire Cern), 4000 (NASA- Scholar Google articles 242), mostly by first signature; Hirsh index 22, Hirsh index 22 (Google Scholar), Hirsh index 22 Inspire, NASA Ads . ABILITATO 2013 both In FIS 02/A2 (Fisica Teorica) and in Fis 02/C1 (Astrofisica) per Prof Associato. Elected among best candidate (4/ 97) as "Addetto Scientifico" (Ministero Esteri) for Israel Italian Embassy. In last 32 years DF hold different teaching activities, as the "Advenced Physics, Fisica Superiore",(Prof.Conversi, Prof. Diambrini), while in last 18 years he hold Full Curses in Basic Physics (Art.12) and Ph.D. in Astro-Particle (2002-2014) and in"Advenced Physics, Fisica Superiore" for Astrophysics (2015-2016).