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Employment (2)

Missouri Department of Conservation: Jefferson City, US

2024-05-01 to present | Spatial Application Developer (Science Branch)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicholas Sievert

ORISE USGS Research Participation Program: Reston, VA, US

2022-09-05 to 2024-04-15 | Fellow (National Climate Adaptation Science Center)
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicholas Sievert

Works (7)

Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch

Transactions of the American Fisheries Society
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Lyndsie Wszola; Nicholas A. Sievert; Abigail J. Lynch; Holly S. Embke; Anna L. Kaz; Matthew D. Robertson; Stephen R. Midway; Craig P. Paukert
Source: check_circle

The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A Database and Interactive Tool for Inland Fisheries Management and Research

U.S. Geological Survey
2023 | Dataset
Contributors: Nicholas Sievert; Abigail J. Lynch
Source: check_circle

CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data

Scientific Data
2023-11-03 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicholas A. Sievert; Abigail J. Lynch; Holly S. Embke; Ashley Robertson; Mitchel Lang; Anna L. Kaz; Matthew D. Robertson; Stephen R. Midway; Lyndsie Wszola; Craig P. Paukert
Source: check_circle

The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): Development, Applications, and Opportunities

2021-11-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Abigail J Lynch; Nicholas A Sievert; Holly S Embke; Ashley M Robertson; Bonnie J E Myers; Micheal S Allen; Zachary S Feiner; Frederick Hoogakker; Scott Knoche; Rebecca M Krogman et al.
Source: check_circle

Development and assessment of indices to determine stream fish vulnerability to climate change and habitat alteration

Ecological Indicators
2016-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Nicholas A. Sievert; Craig P. Paukert; Yin-Phan Tsang; Dana Infante
Source: check_circle

Leveraging BIG Data from BIG Databases to Answer BIG Questions

2016-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Joanna Whittier; Nick Sievert; Andrew Loftus; Julie M. Defilippi; Rebecca M. Krogman; Jeffrey Ojala; Thom Litts; Jeff Kopaska; Nicole Eiden
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicholas Sievert via Crossref Metadata Search

Mortality and Growth of Crayfish Internally Tagged with PIT Tags

North American Journal of Fisheries Management
2013-10 | Journal article
Contributors: Jacob T. Westhoff; Nicholas A. Sievert
Source: Self-asserted source
Nicholas Sievert via Crossref Metadata Search