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Works (4)

Physical Activity, Sleep and Eating in Young People With Borderline Personality Disorder

Personality and Mental Health
2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Melissa G. A. Remeeus; Jordy A. W. Silvius; Dine J. Feenstra; Patrick Luyten; Joost Hutsebaut; Ron H. J. Scholte
Source: check_circle

Attachment as a predictor of dropout in mentalization‐based treatment

Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice
2024-11 | Journal article
Contributors: Melissa G. A. Remeeus; Maaike L. Smits; Anna M. Bal‐Bax; Dine J. Feenstra; Patrick Luyten
Source: check_circle

The (cost-)effectiveness of early intervention (MBT-early) versus standard protocolized treatment (CBT) for emerging borderline personality disorder in adolescents (the EARLY study): a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

2024-04-15 | Journal article
Contributors: Melissa G. A. Remeeus; Sharon L. Clarke; Dine J. Feenstra; Hester Van Eeren; Maaike L. Smits; Sara Debruyne; Mirjam E. J. Kouijzer; Patrick Luyten; Ron H. J. Scholte; Joost Hutsebaut
Source: check_circle

The (cost-)effectiveness of early intervention (MBT-early) versus standard protocolized treatment (CBT) for emerging borderline personality disorder in adolescents (the EARLY study): a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

2024-04-02 | Preprint
Contributors: Melissa Remeeus; Sharon Clarke; Dineke Feenstra; Hester Van Eeren; Maaike Smits; Sara Debruyne; Mirjam Kouijzer; Patrick Luyten; Ron Scholte; Joost Hutsebaut
Source: check_circle