Personal information

project management, Innovation management, Project Leader
Brazil, Peru


He holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of São Paulo (1974), a Master's degree in Administration from the University of São Paulo (1977) and a PhD in Administration from the University of São Paulo (1982). He holds a postdoctoral degree in Management of R&D from Northwestern University/Technological Institute/Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences. He is currently a senior professor at the University of São Paulo, working with the Department of Administration of the School of Economics, Administration and Accounting (FEA), where he participates in the study group of PGT/USP - Policy and Management of Innovation. He is also a professor of the Professional Master's Degree at FIA-Fundação Instituto de Administração and coordinator of GPRO- Núcleo de Gestão de Projetos. He is a member of the International Advisory Board of IAMOT- International Association of Management of Technology, University of Miami, USA, and of the Advisory Committee of GFPM - Global Forum on Project Management, University of Texas at Dallas, USA. He works mainly on the following topics: management of technological innovation and project management.