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Education and qualifications (1)

University of North Texas: Denton, TX, US

2021-08 to present (Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Thompson

Works (7)

Alcohol Use Predicts Longer But More Fragmented Sleep: A Daily Diary Study of Alcohol, Sleep, and PTSD in Nurses

International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
2024-07-08 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda M. Thompson; Danica C. Slavish; Brett A. Messman; Jessica R. Dietch; Kimberly Kelly; Camilo Ruggero; Daniel J. Taylor; Banan Ramarushton; Heidemarie Blumenthal
Source: check_circle

The Indirect Effects of Recalled Trauma Severity on Pain Ratings among People with Fibromyalgia: a Moderated Mediation Model

Behavioral Medicine
2024-07-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Linda Thompson; Angelina Van Dyne; Melody Sadler; Terry Cronan
Source: check_circle

Examining the Factor Structure and Correlates of Motives to Drink Before Attending a Virtual Social Event During COVID-19 Among University Students

Substance Use & Misuse
2024-06-06 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1082-6084
Part of ISSN: 1532-2491
Contributors: Byron L. Zamboanga; Banan Ramarushton; Heidemarie Blumenthal; Linda Thompson; Lindsay S. Ham; Patrick McClain; Pamela Regan; Audrey Harkness; Kaveri Subrahmanyam; Seth J. Schwartz
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Thompson

Disengagement coping and sleep problems among trauma-exposed adolescents

Anxiety, Stress, & Coping
2024-05-03 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1061-5806
Part of ISSN: 1477-2205
Contributors: Linda Thompson; Alexandria Baker; Isamar Almeida; Danica Slavish; Heidemarie Blumenthal
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Thompson

Business as usual? Drinking games participation before and during an academic pandemic (COVID-19) year among university students

Journal of American College Health
2024-01-29 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 0744-8481
Part of ISSN: 1940-3208
Contributors: Byron L. Zamboanga; Banan Ramarushton; Heidemarie Blumenthal; Linda Thompson; Lindsay S. Ham; John B. Bartholomew; Seth J. Schwartz; Audrey Harkness; Kaveri Subrahmanyam; Patrick McClain et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Thompson

Health, Psychological and Demographic Predictors of Depression in People with Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022-03-14 | Journal article
Contributors: Angelina Van Dyne; Jason Moy; Kalila Wash; Linda Thompson; Taylor Skow; Scott C. Roesch; Terry Cronan
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Are we measuring the same health constructs? Amazon’s Mechanical Turk versus a community sample

Current Psychology
2020-11-11 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1046-1310
Part of ISSN: 1936-4733
Source: Self-asserted source
Linda Thompson