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Curiculuum Vitae
Miroslav Průcha MD, Ph.D.
Dept. of Clin. Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology, Hospital Na Homolce, Czech Republic
Personal data
Born 19.8.1956
2011 Associate Professor, Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty, Prague, Czech Republic
2003 Ph.D. Masaryk´s University Brno
1991 Board examination in Clin.Immunology and Allergology
1989 Board examination in Clin. Microbiology
1986 Board examination in Epidemiology
1875-81 M.D. – Graduation from Faculty of Medicine Charles University, Hradec Kralove
Employment history
1993 - pres. Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Haematology and Immunology, Hospital
Na Homolce, Prague, Czech Republic
1993 –1986 Military Institute of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology – Dept. of Clin. Immunology, Prague
1986 – 1983 Dept.of Microbiology – Hospital H. Brod
1983 – 1981 Secondary Physician – Military Hospital Brno
Membership in Professional Societies
Czech Society of Immunology
Czech Society of Allergology and Immunology
Czech Society of Anesteziology, Resuscitation and Intensive Care
Other qualification and relevant experience
The lectures and training for purpose of postgraduate education of physicians in the field of immunology – Institute of postgraduate Medicine ( present –1997)
The lectures and training for purpose of pregradual education on 2nd Medical faculty – Charles University, Prague
Participation in international clinical studies ( sepsis, asthma bronchiale)
Subject of scientific interest : Diagnostic and therapeutic consequences of sepsis, PCR methods in microbiology, autoimmune diseases- vasculitis, IgG4 related diseases, Ormond disease, diagnostics, therapy
Author of 70 publications
Co-author in: Infections in Surgery
Editor : Sepsis 2015
Most cited articles:
Expression profiling: toward an application in sepsis diagnostics.
Prucha M, Ruryk A, Boriss H, Möller E, Zazula R, Herold I, Claus RA, Reinhart KA, Deigner P, Russwurm S.
Shock. 2004 Jul;22(1):29-33
Significance of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (an acute phase protein) in monitoring critically ill patients.
Prucha M, Herold I, Zazula R, Dubska L, Dostal M, Hildebrand T, Hyanek J.
Crit Care. 2003 Dec;7(6):R154-9. Epub 2003 Oct
Induction of procalcitonin in liver transplant patients treated with anti-thymocyte globulin.
Zazula R, Prucha M, Tyll T, Kieslichova E.
Crit Care. 2007;11(6):R131
Sepsis biomarkers.
Prucha M, Bellingan G, Zazula R.
Clin Chim Acta. 2015 Feb 2;440:97-103. doi: 10.1016/j.cca.2014.11.012. Epub 2014 Nov 18. Review.
Combination of Steroids and Azathioprine in the Treatment of Ormond's Disease--A Single Centre Retrospective Analysis.
Průcha M, Kolombo I, Štádler P.
Prague Med Rep. 2016;117(1):34-41. doi: 10.14712/23362936.2016.3
Immunotherapy of Sepsis: Blind Alley or Call for Personalized Assessment?
Prucha M, Zazula R, Russwurm S.
Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz). 2017 Feb;65(1):37-49. doi: 10.1007/s00005-016-0415-9. Epub 2016
Abdominal aortic aneurysm as an IgG4-related disease
Prucha M, Sedivy P, Stadler P, et al.
Clinical and Experimental Immunology 2019, 197: 3, 361-365
M. Prucha et al. , Gene Expression in Patients With Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm – More Than
Immunological Mechanisms Involved. Physiological research / Academia Scientiarum
Bohemoslovaca 68(3):385-394 · June 2019
Subject of scientific interest
Diagnostic and therapeutic consequences of sepsis, PCR methods in microbiology, autoimmune diseases- vasculitis, IgG4 associated diseases, diagnostics, therapy.