Personal information

China, Hong Kong SAR China, Singapore, Japan, India, Malaysia, Thailand, Taiwan, Australia, South Korea


Publications affiliated with University of Pennsylvania Wharton School, Emory University, Singapore Management University, and University of Hawaii. Also adjunct faculty at Drexel, Clark-Atlanta, University of Hawaii, and Nanyang Technological University.

Currently doing research on bibliometrics and global university research rankings with a focus on changing university roles and the need to look for new metrics and publishing a monthly article in Ruth's Rankings at


Employment (7)

Emory University: Atlanta, GA, US

1994-01-02 to present | Emeritus Faculty
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

University of Hawaii at Manoa: Honolulu, Hawaii, US

2011-05 to 2014-12 | Adjunct Faculty (LIS Program)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Singapore Management University: Singapore, Singapore, SG

2005-06 to 2011-02-28 | University Librarian (Library)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Nanyang Technological University: Singapore, Singapore, SG

2009 to 2009 | Adjunnct Faculty, Knowledge Management (WKW School of Communications & Information)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Drexel University: Philadelphia, PA, US

1984-09 to 1993-12 | Adjunct Associate Professor (Library and Information Studies)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

University of Pennsylvania: Philadelphia, PA, US

1981-04 to 1993-12 | Associate Director (Wharton School Library)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Asian Institute of Technology: Bangkok, TH

1988-11 to 1989-11 | USIA Fellow (Library and Information Centers)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Education and qualifications (2)

Tufts University: Medford, MA, US

BA (Economics and Psychology)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Drexel University: Philadelphia, PA, US

MLS / MBA (LIS and Business)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Works (50 of 93)

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Ruth’s Rankings 48 Part 1: How green is my university? Ranking green universities: new metrics and new leaders

Access (llibrarylearningspace)
2021-11-23 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 47 Part 2: The quest continues for new university rankings metrics.

Access eNewsletter
2021-08-12 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 47 Part 1: Hunting for new universit rankings metrics

Access eNewsletter
2021-05-31 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 46 Part 2: Scholarly publications’ landscape in the age of COVID-19 including early access, preprints, and retractions

Access e Newsletter
2021-02-08 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth’s Rankings 46, Insights into Journal evaluation tools in the age of open science

2020-11-10 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 44 Part 2: What's the best university for an international undergraduate student?

2020-05 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 45: Insights into Top Factor

2020-05-20 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth’s Rankings 44 Part 1: What’s the best university for an international student? Metrics from the student’s perspective?

Access eNewsletter
2020-02-27 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth’s Rankings 43: Predatory practices re-visited

Access eNewsletter
2019-12-22 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 42 -ASEAN: A Special Analysis of ASEAN Nations

ACCESS eNewsletter
2019-10-30 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth’s Rankings 41: THE’s University Impact Rankings and Sustainable Development Goals:

Access eNewsletter
2019-07-05 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 40: Deconstructing QS Subject Rankings and Surveys

ACCESS eNewsletter
2019-04-12 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 39: Business School Rankings

ACCESS eNewsletter
2019-02-25 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 38: Coming Attractions: UN Sustainable Development Goals

ACCESS eNewsletter
2019-01-11 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 37 Part 2: How important are journal quality metrics in the era of potential,/possible/probable predatory journals?

ACCESS eNewsletter
2018-10-21 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 37 Part 1: How important are journal quality metrics in the era of predatory journals?

Access eNewsletter
2018-09-18 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 36: Innovation, Automation and Technology Part 1

Access eNewsletter
2018-07-15 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 35: Come together

Access eNewsletter
2018-06-11 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 34: Authors Part 2

Access enewsletter
2018-05-03 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 33: Authors - People and processes

Access eNewsletter
2018-03-17 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 32: The business of rankings

Access eNewsletter
2018-01-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 31: Road trip to Hong Kong and Singapore - Opening new routes for collaboration between librarians and their stakeholders

Access eNewsletter
2017-12-04 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 30: Hong Kong and Singapore

Access eNewsletter
2017-11-05 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 29: From Bibliometrics to Geopolitics

Acccess eNewsletter
2017-09-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 23: Are Global Rankings Flawed or Misunderstood?

Access eNewsletter
2017-01-25 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 21: Flagship Universities in Asia

Access eNewsletter
2016-10-22 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 20: World Class Universities and the New Flagship University

Access eNewsletter
2016-07-20 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 17:Wikipedia and Google Scholar as sources for university rankings

Access eNewsletter
2016-02-14 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 8: Something foreveryone

Access eNewsletter
2015-02-27 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Ranking 7: Asian Institutions Grow in Nature

Access eNewsletter
2015-02-07 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Incite's Benchmarking and Analytics

Online Searcher
2015-01 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Bibliometrics and University Research Rankings Demystified for Librarians

2014 | Book chapter
Contributors: Ruth A. Pagell
Source: check_circle

Ruth's Rankings 6: Scholarly Rankings from an Asian Perspective

Access eNewsletter
2014-12-26 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Insights into Incites

Online Searcher
2014-11 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 5: Comparing Times Higher Education(THE) and QS Rankings

Access eNewsletter
2014-11-26 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Bibliometrics and University Research Rankings Demystified for Librarians

Library and Information Sciences: Trends and Research
2014-10 | Book chapter
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 4: The Big Two

Access eNewsletter
2014-10-13 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 3: Bibliometrics

Access eNewsketter
2014-09-04 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 2: A Brief History of Rankings and Higher Education Policy

Access eNewsletter
2014-08-08 | Newsletter article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Ruth's Rankings 1: Introduction

Access eNewsletter
2014-07-05 | Interactive resource
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

Curb your expectations

2013 | Other


Contributors: Pagell, R.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

Datamyne: Mining for trade data

2013 | Other


Contributors: Pagell, R.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

Oxford economics' global data and analytics workstation

2013 | Other


Contributors: Pagell, R.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

Information literacy for the information literate: A model and case study from the Wuhan UNESCO training the trainers in information literacy program

The International Information & Library Review
2010-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ruth A. Pagell; Rajen Munoo
Source: check_circle

University Research Rankings

Evaluation in Higher Education
2009-06 | Journal article
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell

"Celebrating knowledge: The power and potential" brings powerful speakers to Singapore

2006 | Other


Contributors: Pagell, R.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

The more things change...: The past as a signpost for the future

2005 | Journal article


Contributors: Pagell, R.A.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

The more things change…: The past as a signpost for the future

College & Research Libraries News
2005-01-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Ruth A. Pagell
Source: check_circle

The Ombudsman: Reaping Benefits from Management Research: Lessons from the Forecasting Principles Project

2003 | Journal article


Contributors: Armstrong, J.S.; Pagell, R.
Source: Self-asserted source
Ruth A Pagell via Scopus - Elsevier

Benchmarking Academic Business School Libraries Relative to Their Business School Rankings

Journal of Business & Finance Librarianship
2002-06 | Journal article
Contributors: Ruth A. Pagell; Edward J. Lusk
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎
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