Personal information

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Employment (1)

University of Alabama at Birmingham: Birmingham, AL, US

2019-07-01 to present | Assistant Professor (Emergency Medicine )
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Education and qualifications (1)

School of Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham: AL, AL, US

2011-06-03 to 2015-05-22 | MD
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Works (11)

Development and Implementation of a Context-Specific Multi-modal Point-of-Care Ultrasound Curriculum for a Kenyan Family Medicine Residency Program

2024-12-13 | Journal article
Contributors: James Crosby
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

A COVID-19 monitoring process for healthcare workers utilizing occupational health

Occupational Medicine
2024-02-19 | Journal article
Contributors: J C Crosby; R A Lee; G McGwin, Jr; S L Heath; G A Burkholder; R M Gravett; E T Overton; G Locks; M E Fleece; R Franco et al.
Source: check_circle

Assessing COVID-19 crisis communication and health outcomes based on the Intervention Ladder

Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management
2024-01-12 | Journal article | Investigation
Contributors: James Crosby
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Priority Distribution of COVID-19 Vaccine to Health Care Workers in Phase 1a of Emergency Use Authorization.

Disaster medicine and public health preparedness
2023-11-17 | Journal article
Contributors: Matt Fifolt; McCormick LC; Crosby JC; Gaghen MG; Nafziger S
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Emergency department management of gastrointestinal foreign body ingestion.

Emergency medicine practice
2023-05-01 | Journal article
Contributors: Crosby JC
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Emergency department-based interventions affecting social determinants of health in the United States: A scoping review.

Academic emergency medicine : official journal of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine
2021-02-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Lauren Walter; Elizabeth Schoenfeld; Kay Smith; Shufflebarger E; Khoury C; Baldwin K; Hess J; Matthew Heimann; Crosby C; Sontheimer SY et al.
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

An adapted emergency department triage algorithm for the COVID‐19 pandemic

Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
2020-12 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Contributors: Doug Wallace; Samuel L. Burleson; Matthew A. Heimann; James C. Crosby; Jonathan Swanson; Courtney B. Gibson; Christopher Greene
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Evaluation of a novel handheld point-of-care ultrasound device in an African emergency department.

The ultrasound journal
2020-12-07 | Journal article
Contributors: Samuel L Burleson; Swanson JF; Shufflebarger EF; Doug Wallace; Matthew Heimann; Crosby JC; Pigott DC; Gullett JP; Thompson MA; Greene CJ
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

COVID‐19: A review of therapeutics under investigation

Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
2020-06 | Journal article | Author
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Contributors: James Crosby; Matthew A. Heimann; Samuel L. Burleson; Brendan C. Anzalone; Jonathan F. Swanson; Douglas W. Wallace; Christopher J. Greene
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Coronavirus disease 2019: International public health considerations

Journal of the American College of Emergency Physicians Open
2020-04 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Part of ISSN: 2688-1152
Contributors: Christopher Greene; Samuel L. Burleson; James C. Crosby; Matthew A. Heimann; David C. Pigott
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby

Early Coagulopathy is Associated With Increased Incidence of Ventilator-Associated Events Among Burn Patients

2017-01 | Journal article
Part of ISSN: 1073-2322
Contributors: Duraid Younan; Russell Griffin; Maxwell Thompson; Thomas Swain; Matthew Honkanen; James C. Crosby; Chandra V. Ellis; Jean-Francois Pittet; Jeffrey D. Kerby
Source: Self-asserted source
James Crosby