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Dr. Fernaz Narin Nur received her B.Sc. (Hons) from the Department of CSE, Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh in 2008 and M.S. from Institute of Information Technology, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2010. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the Department of CSE, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2017. In her professional life, she is a Professor at the Military Institute of Science and Technology (MIST) in the Dept. of CSE. Before joining MIST in early 2024, she was teaching at Notre Dame University Bangladesh, Daffodil International University (DIU), State University and World University, Bangladesh. She has been teaching a good number of courses related to Computer Networks, Database Management System, Digital Logic Design, Computer Fundamental, Project Management, etc. to graduate and undergraduate students of reputed universities. She is a passionate researcher in the fields of Wireless Sensor Network, Directional Wireless Sensor Network, Ad Hoc Networks, MAC Protocols, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Performance analysis etc. She has published a good number of research papers in international conferences and journals. She received research fellowship funded by the Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh. She also received a fellowship from APNIC (Asia Pacific Network Information Center) 42 to attend their conference held in Colombo, Sri Lanka and from ‘MEETBdREN 2016’ to attend a workshop held in Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury Senate Bhaban, University of Dhaka. She is a widely-traveled personality and a novice golfer at Army Golf Club. She is a member of Green Networking Research group, IEEE, Internet Society, Bangladesh Women in IT.