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Serra Húnter Professor of Legal History at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona).
Born in Madrid. Graduated in 1996 at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona where he did his Master’s Degree. Pre-doctorate researcher at the Max Planck Institute for legal History from 200 until 2003. In 2006 he got his PhD at the Universitat de Girona with a thesis on the history of comparative Law (published in Spanish by Dykinson).
He has published articles, chapters of books on the history of Comparative Law, on the origins of Labour Law and and Law of “Franquismo”. Recently he has written on Memory Laws and policies. He is interested in the relationship between Law, History and collective identity.
He coordinated the Database of Spanish Deportees to the Nazi Camps of the Democratic Memorial of Catalonia. He was General Director for Democratic Remembrance at the Government of Catalonia between November 2022 and September 2024.
He has taught at the universities Autònoma de Barcelona, Girona, Toulouse-Capitole, del Sannio, Universidade do Estado de Rio de Janeiro and Università di Cagliari.