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Nagowah Soulakshmee Devi, is an Associate Professor at the Software and Information Systems Department in the Faculty of Information, Communication and Digital Technologies at the University of Mauritius. She was the Head of Department from October 2020 to October 2022. She has more than twenty years of teaching experience. Her research interests are geared towards Smart Communities, Internet of Things, Software Engineering, Knowledge Representation and Health Informatics. She has supervised several projects in these areas. She has contributed to more than 60 refereed publications in renowned international conferences, books and journals. She has also worked on a number of research projects. She is collaborating with international researchers with respect to INOVEC project (GRANT_NUMBER: HORIZON-MSCA-2021-SE-01) sponsored by the European Commission. She has been awarded Best Paper Award in the second place by IEEE Software for the paper “An Automatic and Intelligent Workflow Design” for the IEEE co-sponsored ACSEAC – African Conference on Software Engineering and Applied Computing, 2011. She is a member of the Health Informatics Research Group, which has been awarded Pole of Research in 2017 by the University of Mauritius.
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