Personal information


Ali ABDELKRIM received the master degree in computer science from Department of computer science of Ferhat Abbas university Setif, Algeria in 2020. 8. He is currently a Ph.D. Student in the LICUS laboratory at the Computer Science Department at the University of Skikda 20 Aout 1955. His research interests include Bioinformatics, Drug discovery and development, Machine learning and Deep learning.


Education and qualifications (2)

Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 Faculté des Sciences: Setif, Sétif, DZ

2018-09-01 to 2020-10-15 | master's degree (computer science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ali Abdelkrim

Université Ferhat Abbas Sétif 1 Faculté des Sciences: Setif, Sétif, DZ

2015-09-04 to 2018-08-01 | bachelor's degree (computer science)
Source: Self-asserted source
Ali Abdelkrim

Works (3)

Evaluating the Effectiveness of Machine Learning Models for Classifying Chemical Inhibitors: A Case Study of Aromatase Inhibitors and Pubchem's Molecular Fingerprint Descriptors

2023 International Conference on Networking and Advanced Systems (ICNAS)
2023-10-21 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ali Abdelkrim; Abdelkrim Bouramoul; Imene Zenbout; Said Brahimi
Source: Self-asserted source
Ali Abdelkrim

A Systematic Literature Review of the Current Status and Future Prospects of Machine Learning Methods and Techniques Applied to Novel Drug Discovery

International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence
2022-10-21 | Journal article
Contributors: Ali Abdelkrim; Abdelkrim Bouramoul; Imene Zenbout
Source: check_circle

Machine Learning Methods In Drug Discovery: A Selective Review

2021 International Conference on Theoretical and Applicative Aspects of Computer Science (ICTAACS)
2021-12-15 | Conference paper
Contributors: Ali Abdelkrim
Source: Self-asserted source
Ali Abdelkrim