Personal information
Mark Tyrer is an independent consulting scientist and a Visiting Professor at TU Eindhoven and TU Dublin, Honorary Senior Research Fellow at Imperial College, London and an Associate of the Institute of Advanced Study (Collegium Basilea) in Basel. Previously, he worked as Professor of Geomaterials at Coventry University and as Director of the Faculty Centre for Research in the Built and Natural Environment. Prior to Coventry, he was a Research Manager for MIRO and worked with several UK universities. He is currently involved in work at Imperial, TU/e and TU/D and is a Charity Trustee. His principal interests are in cement chemistry, groundwater-rock-cement-waste interactions and their implications for waste management and resource efficiency. Since 2003 he has had an independent consulting practice in applied geochemistry. Much of this work involves computational thermodynamics to predict the evolution of materials in aggressive environments, although he is regularly involved in practical work both in the laboratory and in the field.
Specialties: Geomaterials; particularly for environmental protection
Project Management (Construction materials, Nuclear Waste, Mineral Processing)
Thermodynamic modelling: Cement-Groundwater-Rock-Waste systems
Instrumental methods of analysis
Microscopy (SEM / TEM / Optical / Image analysis)