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Works (6)

Using near-infrared spectroscopy to estimate soil water retention curves with the van Genuchten model

2025-02 | Journal article
Contributors: Youssef Fouad; Inès Soltani; Christophe Cudennec; Didier Michot
Source: check_circle

Detecting the temporal trend of cultivated soil organic carbon content using visible near infrared spectroscopy

Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Hayfa Zayani; Youssef Fouad; Didier Michot; Zeineb Kassouk; Zohra Lili-Chabaane; Christian Walter
Source: Self-asserted source
Youssef Fouad via HAL

Using Machine-Learning Algorithms to Predict Soil Organic Carbon Content from Combined Remote Sensing Imagery and Laboratory Vis-NIR Spectral Datasets

Remote Sensing
2023-08-30 | Journal article
Contributors: Hayfa Zayani; Youssef Fouad; Didier Michot; Zeineb Kassouk; Nicolas Baghdadi; Emmanuelle Vaudour; Zohra Lili-Chabaane; Christian Walter
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

Satellite Imagery to Map Topsoil Organic Carbon Content over Cultivated Areas: An Overview

Remote Sensing
2022-06-18 | Journal article
Contributors: Emmanuelle Vaudour; Asa Gholizadeh; Fabio Castaldi; Mohammadmehdi Saberioon; Luboš Borůvka; Diego Urbina-Salazar; Youssef Fouad; Dominique Arrouays; Anne C. Richer-de-Forges; James Biney et al.
Source: check_circle
Preferred source (of 2)‎

A dataset of the chemical composition and near-infrared spectroscopy measurements of raw cattle, poultry and pig manure

Data in Brief
2021-12 | Journal article
Contributors: Thierry Morvan; Fabien Gogé; Thierry Oboyet; Odile Carel; Youssef Fouad
Source: check_circle

A near infrared index to assess effects of soil texture and organic carbon content on soil water content

European Journal of Soil Science
2019-01 | Journal article
Contributors: I. Soltani; Y. Fouad; D. Michot; P. Bréger; R. Dubois; C. Cudennec
Source: check_circle

Peer review (1 review for 1 publication/grant)

Review activity for Geoderma. (1)