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Works (3)

A Framework for the Generation of Monitor and Plant Model From Event Logs Using Process Mining for Formal Verification of Event-Driven Systems

IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
2024 | Journal article
Contributors: Midhun Xavier; Victor Dubinin; Sandeep Patil; Valeriy Vyatkin
Source: check_circle

Formal Modelling, Analysis, and Synthesis of Modular Industrial Systems Inspired by Net Condition/Event Systems

2023 | Book chapter
Contributors: Midhun Xavier; Sandeep Patil; Victor Dubinin; Valeriy Vyatkin
Source: check_circle

Formal Verification of the Control Software of a Radioactive Material Remote Handling System, Based on IEC 61499

IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics Society
2023 | Journal article
Contributors: Giordano Lilli; Midhun Xavier; Etienne Le Priol; Vincent Perret; Tatiana Liakh; Roberto Oboe; Valeriy Vyatkin
Source: check_circle